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Effective Power Point Presentations. Use Presentation Aids to: Help audience understand Help audience understand Concisely express ideas Concisely express.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Power Point Presentations. Use Presentation Aids to: Help audience understand Help audience understand Concisely express ideas Concisely express."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Power Point Presentations

2 Use Presentation Aids to: Help audience understand Help audience understand Concisely express ideas Concisely express ideas Increase credibility Increase credibility

3 Purpose Supplement speech Supplement speech Note cards for you Note cards for you –Print off Guide posts for audience Guide posts for audience

4 Purpose Reinforce Reinforce Support Support Summarize Summarize Do NOT read verbatim Do NOT read verbatim http://cartoonimages/TM_soapboxhttp://cartoonimages/TM_soapbox _html.

5 Design Keep your slides relevant Keep your slides relevant – One major idea per slide Use phrases/ key words Use phrases/ key words

6 Design Consistency Case sensitive No small type- it is too hard to read!

7 Color Warm Warm Cool Cool Contrast Contrast –Avoid light on light –Avoid dark on dark

8 This slide is really tough to look at because the color scheme is too bright. This slide is really tough to look at because the color scheme is too bright.

9 This slide is better because it has a calm background with a nice contrast of colors in the text. This slide is better because it has a calm background with a nice contrast of colors in the text.

10 Drawbacks Art & graphics vs. communication Art & graphics vs. communication Too much text Too much text Focus on slides Focus on slides

11 Art and Animation Clip art Clip art Be creative Be creative Relevant Relevant http://cartoonimages/TM_CleverKootie_html.

12 http://sylvestercreativegraphics/l andmimes_html.

13 Powerpoint slide A What do you think of this slide? This is an example of how you can saturate a slide with too much text that immediately puts your audience to sleep. Students are not the only ones who create slides like this – inexplicably, many experienced public speakers also believe this is an effective way to present large bodies of text. One great line that is often used is “I know you can read, so I won’t bore you by reading this slide to you,” followed by a silence where the audience member then tries to read and comprehend a large passage before the speaker decides they have had enough time to finish. This is a very effective way of throwing your audience off of your “vibe.” The only other option you have with this kind of slide is to just read the whole slide out loud, which might even be more boring. What do you think of this slide? This is an example of how you can saturate a slide with too much text that immediately puts your audience to sleep. Students are not the only ones who create slides like this – inexplicably, many experienced public speakers also believe this is an effective way to present large bodies of text. One great line that is often used is “I know you can read, so I won’t bore you by reading this slide to you,” followed by a silence where the audience member then tries to read and comprehend a large passage before the speaker decides they have had enough time to finish. This is a very effective way of throwing your audience off of your “vibe.” The only other option you have with this kind of slide is to just read the whole slide out loud, which might even be more boring.

14 Powerpoint slide B Or maybe you are the type Or maybe you are the type Who thinks that powerpoint proficiency Who thinks that powerpoint proficiency Is something that really impresses Is something that really impresses People People By showing that you understand the By showing that you understand the Animation schemes. Animation schemes. Please use them sparingly Please use them sparingly

15 Remember “RISK” Reminders - Slides are to remind audience Reminders - Slides are to remind audience Interaction - Speakers should interact with slides Interaction - Speakers should interact with slides Short phrases - Bullet points / NOT sentences Short phrases - Bullet points / NOT sentences Key words - Only important words on slides Key words - Only important words on slides

16 Questions?

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