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Avoiding Run-ons Many students think a run-on sentence is a sentence that is particularly long, or “runs on and on,” like this one:

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Presentation on theme: "Avoiding Run-ons Many students think a run-on sentence is a sentence that is particularly long, or “runs on and on,” like this one:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Avoiding Run-ons

3 Many students think a run-on sentence is a sentence that is particularly long, or “runs on and on,” like this one:

4 WRONG Sometimes long sentences are just fine. WRONG! Sometimes long sentences are just fine.

5 A run-on has nothing to do with sentence length. The preamble to the Constitution is in no way a run-on!

6 In fact, even short sentences, if not punctuated properly, can be run-ons.

7 I love powerpoints they are so awesome ! RUN- ON !

8 I demand an explanation!

9 To understand what a run-on is, you have to understand INDEPENDENT CLAUSES Independence is groovy !

10 A CLAUSE has a SUBJECT and a VERB.

11 An INDEPENDENT CLAUSE (or simple sentence) has a SUBJECT, a VERB, and expresses a complete thought!

12 A subject can be a noun (person, place, or thing) or a pronoun (that takes the place of a noun). A verb reflects the subject’s action (action verb) or state of being (being verb).


14 Note these two simple sentences: I love powerpoint presentations. They are so awesome.

15 Note these two simple sentences. subject verb I love powerpoint presentations. subject verb They are so awesome.

16 Now we’ll “try” joining them by deleting that first period and making that capital “T” lowercase. I love powerpoint presentations. They are so awesome.

17 Now we’ll “try” joining them by deleting that first period and making that capital “T” lowercase. I love powerpoint presentations they are so awesome.

18 I love powerpoint presentations they are so awesome. I love powerpoint presentations they are so awesome. OH, NO! A RUN- ON!

19 Run-on sentences occur when two independent clauses (simple sentences) are “run together” improperly. subject verb I love powerpoint presentations they are so awesome. subject verb RUN-ON

20 Trying to connect them with a comma doesn’t solve the problem. subject verb I love powerpoint presentations, they are so awesome. subject verb You only create something called a comma splice!

21 So what can we do? Uh…like maybe try fixing it?

22 FIXING A RUN-0N There are FIVE different ways to fix a run-on.

23 #1 - A PERIOD Separate the run-on into two simple sentences with a period. I love powerpoint presentations. They are so awesome. Didn’t we already do that? Shut up and listen!

24 #1 - A PERIOD Separate the run-on into two simple sentences with a period. I love powerpoint presentations. They are so awesome. Didn’t we already do that? Shut up and listen!

25 #2 - A COMMA AND A CONJUCTION Join the sentences with one of these conjunctions and a comma: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. I love powerpoint presentations, and this one is particularly awesome.

26 Note the difference ! Independent clause: Powerpoints are so awesome. Dependent clause: because powerpoints are so awesome


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