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Chapter 17 Section 2 From Neutral to Declaration of War.

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1 Chapter 17 Section 2 From Neutral to Declaration of War

2 1) Woodrow Wilson – wanted to keep the U.S. _____ of the war – remain ____________. 2) The U.S. entered the war in ______________ - after wanting to remain ______________. 3) Both sides tried to use ___________________ to get the U.S. to join the war effort 4) _______________________ set up a blockade of Germany to stop food and supplies from reaching Germany. OUTNEUTRAL 1917 NEUTRAL PROPAGANDA GREAT BRITAIN




6 Germany began to use _________________ to stop the strong British ___________. 5) In 1915, Germany announced it would attack ____ ship near Great Britain – this was called ______________________________ or USW. Later it promised not to shoot at any __________________ ships. SUBMARINES NAVY ANY UNRESTRICTED SUBMARINE WARFARE MERCHANT


8 6) On May 7, 1915, the British liner, ____________, was sunk by a German U- Boat. 1,200 people died including 128 Americans. Wilson believed the U.S. should _______________________________. Germany believed the ship was carrying ________________________________ ___. 1916-1917 – Germany once again declares _________ - but now ALL ships will be sunk. LUSITANIA REMAIN NEUTRAL AMMUNITION AND SUPPLIES USW


10 Titanic – sunk in 1912 Lusitania – sunk in 1915 Length - 882 feet 787 feet Height – 175 feet 165 feet Tonnage - 46,328 31,550

11 Queen Mary 2 Cunard Line (as was the Lusitania) Alive and well in 2012 Length - 1,132 feet (almost 4 football fields!) Height – 236 feet Tonnage - 151,400 151,400


13 7) The _______________________________ - note asking Mexico to join the war effort with Germany. Mexico would receive ________________________________ __. Britain _________________________ the message and sent it to the U.S. 8) Wilson asked for a ______________________ of war in 1917 against ________________. Congress agreed with Wilson. ZIMMERMAN NOTE NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA AND TEXAS INTERCEPTED DECLARATION GERMANY


15 Vocabulary Propaganda – the spreading of ideas, information, and beliefs to help or hurt a cause USW – unrestricted submarine warfare – where subs could sink any and all ships without sending a warning to the enemy Zimmerman Note – a message (note) sent by Arthur Zimmerman to the Mexican government asking Mexico to join the war effort with Germany against the U.S., where Mexico would receive Texas, New Mexico and Arizona if Germany had won the war

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