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In Hyde Park. To avoid toothaches in the coming year, tradition says you should bathe on Christmas Day. (Illustration by Joel Holland)

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Presentation on theme: "In Hyde Park. To avoid toothaches in the coming year, tradition says you should bathe on Christmas Day. (Illustration by Joel Holland)"— Presentation transcript:

1 In Hyde Park

2 To avoid toothaches in the coming year, tradition says you should bathe on Christmas Day. (Illustration by Joel Holland)

3 Superstitions can be defined as, "irrational beliefs, especially with regard to the unknown" (Collins English Dictionary)

4 British and Russian superstitions

5 Let’s enjoy

6 WORDS: HOKUM ['həukəm] - чушь JINX [ ʤɪ ŋks] - заклятие, сглазить CURSE [k ɜː s] - проклятие OMEN ['əumən] - знак, примета A CHARM [ ʧɑː m] - талисман REMEDY ['reməd ɪ ] - средство от неудачи HEATHER ['heðə] - вереск

7 Practice today's vocabulary touch wood,cross fingers,wear a charm, to kill a spider, to see a black cat crossing your path, break a mirror, to meet a woman with an empty pail, to spill salt,make a wish, to have horseshoe over the door, to get a lucky ticket, to catch falling leaves in Autumn, to look for a fourleaf clover, to see bad dream, to take the last piece of bread on a plate, to say "white rabbits"(3 times) on the 1st day of the month.

8 Lesson with Mister Duncan

9 What’s lucky and unlucky in British culture: Lucky +Unlucky - Pass someone on the stairs Wear a horseshoe as a charm See a white heather Catch falling leaves in Autumn Open an umbrella indoors Say "white rabbits" on the 1st day of the month Put new shoes on the table Walk under a ladder

10 Never the house. Don't forget to say......................on the 1st day of the month. Don't break....................... Keep your......................crossed. Don't kill......................... Wear a....................... Have a.......................over the door. Look for a........................... Don't spill...................... Warnings: Four-leaf clover Horseshoe Charm An umbrella Salt Fingers A spider A mirror White rabbits

11 Домашнее задание - прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы

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