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I’ve enrolled my child. NOW what?. What is expected of parents? Some of your time. Please volunteer! Parents and families make St. Mary’s work Each family’s.

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Presentation on theme: "I’ve enrolled my child. NOW what?. What is expected of parents? Some of your time. Please volunteer! Parents and families make St. Mary’s work Each family’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’ve enrolled my child. NOW what?

2 What is expected of parents? Some of your time. Please volunteer! Parents and families make St. Mary’s work Each family’s minimum requirement: 25 hours (5 for the ball and auction) Track your St. Mary’s volunteer hours and record them in the 3-ring binder in the office Hours are audited in the spring

3 What is expected of parents? Opportunities to volunteer: PTO-sponsored events Parish activities In the classroom (ask your child’s teacher) Field trips Library assistance Lunch servers & monitors After-School Activities Program

4 What is expected of parents? ALL volunteers are required to take the SAFE ENVIRONMENT TRAINING! Includes training class + background check Opportunities to attend are limited so RSVP and attend ASAP! Required before volunteering in classroom, on field trips, at events

5 What is expected of parents? Know the field trip driver rules: Take the Safe Environment Training Leave a copy of your valid driver’s license and car insurance with the office NO texts or calls! No videos No unauthorized stops

6 How do I know what’s going on? READ THE SPARTAN SPOTLIGHT! Weekly newsletter e-mailed on Mondays Contact Roni Pratt if you don’t receive it!

7 How do I know what’s going on? Friend the St. Mary’s Boise PTO Facebook page Individual class Facebook page Read your email from the school Call the school: 208-342-7476 Check out the St. Mary’s School website: Ask your child’s teacher Ask the PTO to connect you with a mentor family

8 What is the dress code? Complete information is in the uniform policy Shorts OK until Thanksgiving (except mass day) Fridays are MASS days! Girls: White dress shirt + skirt or jumper Boys: White dress shirt + tie + pants + belt(no shorts) K-1 – no belt; 2-8 must have a belt

9 What is the dress code? Every Monday is Spirit Shirt Day St. Mary’s t-shirt OK for top Uniform bottoms (shorts, pants, or skirt) Buy spirit shirts from Student Council - sale soon Jeans Day is the LAST Monday of every month. Choice of top OK as long as it is neat and modest It’s not “casual day” – it’s JEANS day Blue jeans only – no other colors No jeggings, skinny or ripped jeans

10 What time does school start? The day starts with prayer in the gym. Students must be in the gym by 8:05 a.m. The school day starts at 8:10 a.m. sharp! If your child is late to school, please check them in at the office.

11 How does drop off work? Please drive slowly in parking lot! Turn into the parking lot from the 28th Street gate entrance Avoid using the alley Avoid parking in front of the school Parents are welcome to join morning prayer in the gym

12 What is the morning routine? Prayer Square every day: 8:10 a.m. in the gym Students stand with their class Mrs. Emerich rings the bell to start the day! Announcements Birthdays Prayer and song Pledge of Allegiance Students & teachers to classrooms Fridays: Students & teachers go to 8:30 mass

13 What’s for lunch? When is it? Lunch schedule: Grades K-5th: 11:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. Grades 6th-8th: 12:15 to 12:35 p.m. Allergy-free table available if necessary Parents are welcome to come and have lunch with their child/children Blimpie will be available on Tuesday – order form available in front office Pizza will be available on Friday $4.00 per lunch

14 What happens after school? School ends at 3:10 p.m. All students must be picked up by 3:30 p.m. Each class leaves together and comes to the front of the school Students in the School Enrichment Program meet at the gate between the Parish Hall and School.

15 What is the “Parish Hall”? This is St. Mary’s Parish Hall Inside: Parish and clergy offices, meeting rooms

16 What happens at Friday Mass? We celebrate Mass as a school community Starts at 8:30 On Fridays students bring gifts to mass Spartan Spotlight tells you what to bring: Food = Non-perishable food for Food Bank Corpus Christi = Toiletries for shelter Treasure = Monetary offering Time = Personal commitment Parents are welcome to attend

17 What is the Buddy Program? Students in grades K-4th are paired up with a buddy in grades 5th-8th Buddies sit together at mass, work together in classroom Buddy serves as: Mentor Cheerleader Support system Role model Friend

18 What if I have a question? Ask your child’s teacher about: Your child’s schoolwork and progress How you can help in the classroom Ask the principal about: School program and administration How you can make our school better Ask the PTO about: How you can help Advice from other parents

19 What is the Governing Board? Our Parish Priest, Father Worster, oversees the Parish and its ministries (Church, School, Food Bank) SGB makes big-picture decisions on budget, programming, sustainability, faculty, etc. SGB includes parishioners, parents of present and former students

20 What is the Creegan Foundation? Long-term endowment that makes annual contribution to St. Mary’s School Annual contribution is based on success of portfolio performance Keep in mind for estate planning, large gifts To donate or learn more, contact the school

21 What is the PTO? PTO is charged with covering the difference between tuition and operating expenses PTO Board makes decisions about how to raise this money All parents and teachers are members of the PTO! Board elections are in the spring PLEASE consider volunteering!

22 Who is on the PTO Board? President: Rondee Blessing President-Elect: Ron Goodwin Treasurer: Eric Thompson Secretary: Annie Granvall Past President: Dane Miller

23 We’re glad you’re here! You’re at St. Mary’s because you believe in the value of a Catholic education Please ask questions and share your ideas about how we can make our school even better!

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