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NWS Digital Services 1 CB Operations Committee Lynn Maximuk DSPO Operations Team Eastern Region HPC Day 4-7 Grid Proposal Review, Findings and Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "NWS Digital Services 1 CB Operations Committee Lynn Maximuk DSPO Operations Team Eastern Region HPC Day 4-7 Grid Proposal Review, Findings and Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 NWS Digital Services 1 CB Operations Committee Lynn Maximuk DSPO Operations Team Eastern Region HPC Day 4-7 Grid Proposal Review, Findings and Recommendations 4/7/04

2 NWS Digital Services 2 ER Proposal identifies need for Common and Skillful starting point for Days 4-7 guidance grids

3 NWS Digital Services 3 The proposal presented the following issues: Workload WFOs focus resources inefficiently to account for both severe weather and database preparation Verification MDL preliminary verification statistics show an inability to improve upon day 4-7 forecast guidance

4 NWS Digital Services 4 Operations Team Findings and Recommendations on those Issues

5 NWS Digital Services 5 Workload Issue Finding 1 - The workload required for ER WFOs to prepare forecasts for Days 4-7 was higher than team members expect might result from a NWS-wide survey. Recommendation 1A - Implement a process for gathering objective workload data. Action - Operations Action Team Recommendation 1B – Reinforce the operations philosophy and the importance of setting workload priorities to all facets of the NWS. Action – Training & Outreach Team

6 NWS Digital Services 6 Workload Issue Cont. Finding 2 - it is not clear how immediate significant workload savings at the WFO will result. –No Recommendation

7 NWS Digital Services 7 Verification Issue Finding 3 - Operations team can not disprove the statement that verification statistics show WFO inability to improve upon days 4-7 forecast guidance. Team has concerns about the depth of data analysis and did not have time to gather available data for analysis. Recommendation 3 – Further analysis of like verification statistics is required to validate this statement on a national scale. Action - Assessment Team

8 NWS Digital Services 8 Additional Findings and Recommendations

9 NWS Digital Services 9 Finding 4 – HPC Grid Preparation Finding 4 – SBN transmission of HPC 5 km medium range guidance grids will create additional load on communication system possibly creating competition with other valuable data sets. Recommendation 4A – Need to analyze requirements and determine priority of this data set with respect to the other requests for gridded guidance data. Action - Systems and Communications Team Recommendation 4B – In lieu of 5 km grids HPC prepare and transmit modified MOS, formatted into MOS-like text product for use by each office using existing smart tools. Action: HPC

10 NWS Digital Services 10 Finding 5 – HPC Grid Preparation Cont. Finding 5 -Additional guidance grids will place further load on the IFPS server and data storage capabilities within each WFO and must be considered as a configuration management issue. Recommendation 5 – Analyze requirements and impacts to ensure WFO system stability. Action: Systems and Communications Team

11 NWS Digital Services 11 Finding 6 – HPC Collaborative Process Finding 6 – Collaborative process proposed by HPC was acceptable, however timing for delivery of guidance grids to WFOs was a concern. Recommendation 6A – Final package of grids, pressures and fronts should be available to WFOs no later than 15Z. Action: HPC Recommendation 6B – HPC explore feasibility of getting access to MOS data prior to current 10Z time. Action: HPC

12 NWS Digital Services 12 Finding 7 – Develop WFO Tools, Scripts and Methodologies FINDING 7 - WFOs require a standard set of robust tools to introduce mesoscale and microscale influences to the forecast grids while retaining continuity of data along WFO borders. RECOMMENDATION 7A - Continue on-going work by Smart Tools and Smart Init Teams to baseline the optimum tools and methodologies. Action: Smart Tool and Init Teams RECOMMENDATION 7B - Ensure forecasters are provided training in these methods. Action – Training & Outreach Team

13 NWS Digital Services 13 Finding 8 – Minimize WFO Editing in days 4-7 FINDING 8 - An NWS collaborated effort in the production of days 4-7 forecast grids best leverages the capabilities of national centers to contribute expertise on the synoptic scale and the WFO’s to incorporate expertise concerning local influences. RECOMMENDATION 8A - HPC provide effective guidance grid information by efficiently maximizing model diagnostic skills. Action: HPC Recommendation 8B – Local management coach forecasters to concentrate on high impact weather events minimizing manual manipulation of high quality guidance grid information. Action: Regions

14 NWS Digital Services 14 Finding 9 – Eliminate HPC Delta Grid Finding 9 – Little if any use of delta grids in WFOs. Recommendation 9 – Discontinue production of delta grids and use HPC resources to produce guidance grid information Action: HPC

15 NWS Digital Services 15 Finding 10 – WFO Focus on Days 1-3 Finding 10 – The Team feels that the Operations Philosophy adequately addresses this recommendation by endorsing the expenditure of resources on the high impact weather events no matter what time frame they are in. Recommendation 10 Action: DSPO finalize CONOPS

16 NWS Digital Services 16 Finding 11 - OCONUS Finding 11 ER Proposal Does Not Consider OCONUS. The Operations Team feels it is important for any HPC/NCEP proposal to apply to all offices in the NWS. Due to the ORDs in Pacific and Alaskan Regions this year it becomes particularly important that they have the benefit of NCEP's offer to supply medium- range guidance grid information. Failure to do so will further handicap AR and PR's effort to supply quality grids to NDFD. Recommendation 11: Action - NCEP

17 NWS Digital Services 17 Alternative Approaches to Providing Medium Range Guidance Grid Information DGEX –currently in evaluation test at selected WFOs MDL 5km gridded MOS - western 1/3 rd of CONUS test Oct. ’04 Match_MOS SmartTool – GFE based tool to create a local grid from existing MOS guidance, currently in use at many WFOs

18 NWS Digital Services 18 Proposed Implementation Strategy HPC generates a MOS-like text product that incorporates human modifications to GFS MOS - Forecast elements made available as HPC phases in production HPC guidance applied to local WFO grids via Match_MOS – like SmartTool – baseline tools will be provided to WFOs with training on use Develop metrics to assess value of HPC medium range guidance information Develop objective workload metrics Scheduled decision points to assess continued evolution HPC medium range guidance production

19 NWS Digital Services 19 Decision Approve or disapprove team’s recommendations and proposed implementation strategy ER proposal offers potential value and a demonstration is warranted. HPC to discontinue producing delta grids

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