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10.3 Polar Form of Complex Numbers. We have explored complex numbers as solutions. Now we connect to both the rectangular and polar planes. Every complex.

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Presentation on theme: "10.3 Polar Form of Complex Numbers. We have explored complex numbers as solutions. Now we connect to both the rectangular and polar planes. Every complex."— Presentation transcript:

1 10.3 Polar Form of Complex Numbers

2 We have explored complex numbers as solutions. Now we connect to both the rectangular and polar planes. Every complex number can be represented in the form a + bi a P θ b r / absolute value of a + bi horizontal axis = real axis vertical axis = imaginary axis real part corresponds to x-axis a + bi a = rcos θ  (a, b) modulus argument θ imaginary part corresponds to y-axis  (r, θ) & b = rsin θ a + bi= rcos θ + irsin θ= r(cos θ + isin θ)

3 Ex 1) Graph each complex number and find the modulus. A) 2 + 3i B) –2i (2, 3) B modulus: (0, –2) A modulus:

4 The expression r(cos θ + isin θ) is often abbreviated r cis θ. This is the polar form of the complex number. (a + bi is the rectangular form) We need to be able to convert between the forms. Ex 2) Express the complex number in rectangular form. A) B)

5 Ex 3) Express each complex number in polar form. Use θ  [0, 2π) A) z = 2 – 2i in QIV B) C) in QII On your own needs to be positive! remember: cos (–π) = cos π sin (–π) = –sin π

6 Ex 4) Describe the polar form of real number a. a = a + 0i this means values on the x-axis for positive x-axis values, a needs to be positive for negative x-axis values, a needs to be negative (and y-value needs to be 0) so where θ = 0 if a > 0 & θ = π if a < 0, plus if a = 0, θ can be anything

7 Homework #1004 Pg 506 #1-45 odd, 46-50 HW hint: If (conjugate)

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