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Formal Borders/Informal Networks Carlos Navarrete April 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Borders/Informal Networks Carlos Navarrete April 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Borders/Informal Networks Carlos Navarrete April 2

2 Agenda  Research Interest  Research with Mexican industries  Internet use limitations  Digital divide PC penetration Teledensity Education

3 Research Interest  Impact of IT on productivity of Industries Organizations Groups Individuals

4 Industries  Banking industry (1982-1992)  Telecommunications (1979-2000)  Government procurement (in progress)

5 Organizations  18 banks (1982 – 1992)  5 large organizations (selective outsourcing)  3 long distance carriers (telecom policy)  3 cell phone companies (IT and competition)

6 Groups  Four universities in Mexico (telecommuting)  Four universities in California (telecommuting)

7 Internet use in Mexico  Cultural dimension for Mexico and US  Literacy  PC penetration (in the border)  Teledensity

8 Cultural comparison Source: Hofstede(1980) PDI =Power distance index,UAI = Uncertainty avoidance index, II = Individualism index,MI = Masculinity index

9 Telecommuting  Telecommuting in the U. S. will receive more organizational support than telecommuting in Mexico.  U.S. employees are/will be more satisfied with telecommuting arrangements than Mexican employees

10 Telecommuting  telecommuting will produce positive outcomes when organizational, individual, work, and technology characteristics fit. (Bellanger and Collins)

11 Digital Divide  Source INEGI Censo de poblacion 2000

12 Digital Divide


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