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Chapter 4, Section 4 “Federalism and Politics”. Federalism and Public Policy  Policy: stated course of action  Define actions that occur over and over---

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1 Chapter 4, Section 4 “Federalism and Politics”

2 Federalism and Public Policy  Policy: stated course of action  Define actions that occur over and over--- way to handle issues  Public policy: course of action the govt. takes  Federalism affects public policy: 1. How and where new policies are made 2. Introduces limits on govt. policy making

3 New Ideas Develop  Federalism permits states and local govt. to develop policies  Colorado: sunset laws  Florida passed sunshine law  Policy may originate at national level--- national govt. may impose new policies on states

4 Federalism and Political Parties  Political parties: key element of democratic govt.  Each political party has a chance of winning-prevents one group from gaining a monopoly

5 Political Participation  Federalism: encourages citizen participation  People have easier access to to hold public office (different levels of govt.)  Americans vote for all levels of govt. officials and for issues w/in govt.  Citizens work with interest groups to influence policies

6 Increasing Chances of Success  Increased political participation if people think they will make a difference  Increased chance of success=greater political participation

7 Federalism’s Professional Politicians  Larger bureaucracy---offered solutions to policies  Increase in federal programs: changes relationship of state and federal officials  Need to work more closely to federal officials

8 Differences Among the States  Federalism: contributes to economic and political differences among states  States can create different economic and political environments  Americans: more choice

9 The Direction of Federalism  States---ready and willing to accept new responsibilities  Localities provide more community identity than national govt.----understand needs of people  States: using strengths to help reshape federalism

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