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Evaluating School Counselors August 2010 School Counseling Program, SSS Gail Smith, Ed. S., Supervisor Evaluation Systems Office, HR Jan Holley, PHR,

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2 Evaluating School Counselors August 2010 School Counseling Program, SSS Gail Smith, Ed. S., Supervisor Evaluation Systems Office, HR Jan Holley, PHR, Director

3 School Counselors School Counselors are uniquely qualified to assist students with overcoming barriers to learning.

4 Agenda Cobb County School Counselors: Unlocking a World of Potential Your Role as an Evaluator New Cobb Keys System School Counselors School Counselor Registrar

5 The Role of an Evaluator The Cobb Keys Evaluation System is a growth and accountability model that responds to 3 major questions ~ How does the counselor manage? How does the counselor deliver? Is the school counselor accountable? New Model with Broader Focus!

6 The Role of an Evaluator Please understand that the new Cobb Keys Standards ratings are NOT synonymous with the former Counselor Standards ratings! FORMER Exemplary: Goes beyond expectations; role model Proficient: Meets performance expectations Needs Improvement: Not meeting expectations NEW Proficient: Highly competent, skilled, an expert Emerging: Evolving, showing new or improved development Not Evident: Not easy to see; not obvious So, how do you recognize those who “go beyond”? In your personalized, detailed commentary…words are far more meaningful than an X in a box.

7 The Role of an Evaluator Get Ready to Evaluate School Counselors Review the Performance Evaluation Rubric Ensure School Counselor/Administration Partnership Agreement meeting is held with each school counselor by the 25 th day of the school year Can double as optional pre-observation conference See Administrator’s Directions for School Counselor/ Administrator Partnership Agreement

8 Cobb Keys System School Counselor Evaluation System School Counselor/Administration Partnership Agreement Performance Rubric with Examples of Evidence Glossary of Terminology Observation Form Annual Performance Report Guidelines/Instructions Applicable for Counselors and Administrators Templates

9 School Counselor/Administration Partnership Agreement Student Assignment Support Services Staff Accountability Specific, Individual Counselor Responsibilities Programmatic Delivery Professional Collaboration Other

10 Cobb Keys System School Counselor Performance Rubric Four Performance Standards with a total of 16 corresponding Elements Foundation (4 Elements) Delivery System (4 Elements) Management (4 Elements) Accountability (4 Elements)

11 Cobb Keys System Standard 1: Foundation (F) The professional school counselor plans and organizes the foundation of a standards- based, data-driven comprehensive school counseling program that is aligned with the school strategic plan and the district comprehensive school counseling model.

12 Cobb Keys System Elements: Foundation (F) F 1 The professional school counselor articulates and demonstrates the school counseling program mission. F 2 The professional school counselor articulates and demonstrates the beliefs and philosophy of the school counseling program that is aligned with the school strategic plan. F 3 The professional school counselor utilizes the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) national standards to develop the content of the school counseling curriculum. F 4 The professional school counselor plans a school counseling program in the three domains of academic, career, and personal/social development to promote and enhance student achievement.

13 Cobb Keys System Standard 2: Delivery System (DS) The professional school counselor delivers a comprehensive school counseling program through school guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services, and system support.

14 Cobb Keys System Elements: Delivery System (DS) DS 1 The professional school counselor provides all students with a school guidance curriculum that is comprehensive in scope, proactive in nature, and developmental in design. DS 2 The professional school counselor coordinates ongoing systemic activities designed to help students on an individual or small group basis to establish personal goals and develop future plans. DS 3 The professional school counselor addresses the immediate needs or concerns of students by providing specific ongoing responsive services such as consultation, individual or small group counseling, crisis counseling, referrals, and peer facilitation. DS 4 The professional school counselor maintains and enhances the total school counseling program by providing system support through professional development, consultation, collaboration, and program management.

15 Cobb Keys System Standard 3: Management (M) The professional school counselor manages a comprehensive school counseling program.

16 Cobb Keys System Elements: Management (MS) MS 1 The professional school counselor works with school administration to develop an individual Partnership Agreement defining the school counselor’s role in the school counseling program. MS 2 The professional school counselor establishes and convenes a school counseling advisory council for the comprehensive school counseling program. MS 3 The professional school counselor participates in the design and implementation of school guidance curriculum and closing the gap action plans aligning with school and school counseling program goals. MS 4 The professional school counselor organizes and manages time to implement an effective school counseling program.

17 Cobb Keys System Standard 4: Accountability (A) The professional school counselor monitors and evaluates the processes and results of the school counseling program.

18 Cobb Keys System Elements: Accountability (A) A 1 The professional school counselor collects data for school counseling activities and interventions. A 2 The professional school counselor submits a written results report for his/her school counseling activities and interventions. A 3 The professional school counselor uses the guidance curriculum and closing-the-gap data to evaluate and plan future school counseling activities. A 4 The professional school counselor contributes to an annual program audit of the school counseling program.

19 Cobb Keys System Observing Conduct pre-observation conferences with assigned school counselors to review the instrument, procedures, expectations, etc.; optional but highly recommended May be done in a group setting If a school counselor requests a private conference, it is required Encourage questions May include Partnership Agreement Put school counselors at ease and ensure them of your intent to work with them throughout this process Observe all school counselors at least once during the school year using the Cobb Keys Observation Form

20 Cobb Keys System Scheduling Observations Thirty minute classroom observation (minimum) Two Observations are required if the school counselor has 3 yrs or less total school counseling experience Conduct first announced observation by the end of October Second observation may be unannounced If only one observation, schedule announced observation early enough that school counselors have time to benefit from feedback and demonstrate improvement Each school counselor must have his/her OWN separate observation DO NOT observe multiple school counselors at one time

21 Cobb Keys System Multiple Observations = Stronger Support Observe school counselors with perceived deficiencies early in first semester Maximizes opportunities for monitoring, administrative support, and improvement of program delivery Increases Evaluator’s depth of understanding of counselor’s performance and needs Provides time for essential feedback, subsequent follow-up observations, and/or PDP implementation

22 Cobb Keys System Cobb Keys Observation – Different Ballgame! Observation Standard Components Marked Yes (Y); No (N); or Not Applicable (NA) Comments required to support “No” ratings Individualized comments encouraged, regardless of the ratings Observations & feedback conferences should be completed by the end of February Purposeful feedback Time in March to prepare annual reports and conduct annual conferences

23 Cobb Keys System Scheduling Feedback Conferences Within 10 school days after an observation, a formal, private feedback conference is required Failure to provide a timely feedback conference could void an evaluation Hint: Schedule the feedback conference at the same time you schedule the observation Feedback Conferences MAY NOT be combined with the Annual Evaluation Conferences A Counselor’s Feedback Conference should be held a significant length of time before the annual conference; otherwise, it has no meaningful purpose

24 Cobb Keys System Conducting Feedback Conferences Prepare your comments; organize your thoughts and papers Poorly developed feedback provides little support to a struggling school counselor Anticipate the school counselor’s anxiety – put him/her at ease early in the session Comment, specifically, on areas of excellence and areas needing attention, suggesting improvement techniques If needed, focus constructive criticism on behaviors Here’s what I observed; here’s what I should have observed? How can I help you improve? What will you commit to do to change?

25 Cobb Keys System Concluding the Feedback Conference Write your signature and date on the form DO NOT type in your name or the date Have school counselor sign and date the form School Counselor’s signature only indicates receipt of form, not agreement with content If the school counselor doesn’t want to sign, write School Counselor chose not to sign and record the date Make copies for the school counselor and local school file Retain all observation originals to attach to the annual performance report in March All observations will be sent to HR along with the performance report. Keep feedback opportunities professional, positive, and private.

26 Cobb Keys System The Annual Evaluation Process Consider observations and year-long performance Performance Rubric Standards and Elements Review School Counselor Documentation School Counselor/Administrator Partnership Agreement Closing the Gap Action Plan & Results, if available Guidance Curriculum Action Plan & Results, if available Program Audit Curriculum Crosswalk

27 Cobb Keys System Annual Evaluation Process Complete the Annual Report Form Assign a rating to each Performance Standard Not Evident Emerging Proficient Don’t base ratings on previous evaluations. Support the Cobb Keys Standards!

28 Cobb Keys System Former PAI Ratings Performance Factors Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Annual Ratings Exemplary Proficient Unsatisfactory Cobb Key Ratings Standards Proficient Emerging Not Evident Annual Ratings Proficient Emerging Unsatisfactory

29 Cobb Keys System The Annual Evaluation Process Record personalized commentary for each standard – no cut-n-paste! Relate comments to the Standard Support the assigned rating Reinforce the Growth Model concept with your language Honestly address performance Acknowledge growth and potential

30 Cobb Keys System Professional Duties and Responsibilities (D&R) At Last! A section for formal assessment of 12 essential performance qualities Each is rated as Unsatisfactory, Needs Improvement, or Satisfactory Overall D&R Summary Rating See Key for determining overall Unsatisfactory, Needs Improvement, or Satisfactory rating

31 Cobb Keys System Professional Duties & Responsibilities (PDR) 1.Reports to work as assigned 2.Maintains accurate, complete, and appropriate records, files, and provides for confidentiality of student records. 3.Demonstrates ethical behavior as outlined in the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics and the PSC Code of Ethics 4.Demonstrates effective listening, writing, and speaking skills in a variety of settings

32 Cobb Keys System Professional Duties & Responsibilities (PDR) 5.Interacts in a professional manner with students, parents, staff, and community. 6.Develops positive relationships with students, fostering personal growth, service to others, and academic achievement. 7.Makes student referrals when necessary. 8.Actively supports the School Strategic Plan

33 Cobb Keys System 12 Professional Duties and Responsibilities (PDR) 9.Enforces school procedures concerning student conduct and discipline. 10.Attends and participates in faculty meeting and professional learning opportunities. 11.Keeps informed of laws, regulations, and policies pertaining to school counseling and school/system operations. 12.Adheres to school or system policies regarding school counselor absences.

34 Cobb Keys System Annual Performance Report Assign Overall Performance Rating, Section III Unsatisfactory Two or more Not Evident Standards Ratings or Unsatisfactory summary rating on PDR Emerging Fewer than four Proficient Standards ratings & Satisfactory or Needs Improvement summary rating on PDR Proficient Four Proficient Standards ratings & a Satisfactory summary rating on PDR

35 Cobb Keys System Annual Performance Report Section III, Continued Record dates of observations and feedback conferences DO NOT list other types of conferences, such as disciplinary conferences or the annual conference Section IV Signatures Evaluator, Principal, and Counselor sign & date Each person records the date by his/her signature at the time of signing Counselor’s signature indicates receipt of annual report, not agreement with the content Write Counselor chose not to sign, if needed

36 Cobb Keys System Annual Performance Report Section VI: Comments by Counselor Optional. Use additional sheet, if necessary If counselor’s comments specifically appeal a Standard rating, a PDR rating, the PDR summary rating, or the Overall Performance Rating, the counselor must submit the District appeal form See Appeal Form Instructions (PASS & EMWeb) If you’re unsure if comments are an “appeal”, contact Evaluation Systems office

37 What is a School Counselor Registrar? A School Counselor Registrar is a certified school counselor at the high school level whose primary responsibilities involve supporting the school counseling program by: Enrolling new students Evaluating transcripts of new students Creating schedules for new students Performing other duties associated with new student enrollment, as needed

38 School Counselor Registrar How Do I Evaluate a School Counselor Registrar? School Counselor Registrar Job Description with ratings assigned by evaluator Annual Alternate Summary Form Professional Duties and Responsibility Ratings assigned by evaluator Overall annual rating assigned by evaluator

39 Evaluations Deadline! OCGA 20-2-210 – In compliance with Georgia law, ALL certified evaluation activity must be completed prior to April 1, 2011! IMPORTANT!!! This includes: Observations Feedback conferences Completion of annual reports Annual evaluation conferences School Counselors, Teachers, and Paraprofessionals

40 ALL Staff Evaluations Impact of Overall Unsatisfactory Rating Certified employee is placed on the PSC’s Unsatisfactory Database (UNSAT) For all employees, certified and classified, it results in his/her salary being frozen at same salary step for next school year

41 All Certified Employees Professional Development Plans (PDP) HR’s Employee Relations Department oversees the implementation of Professional Development Plans (PDP) to support certified employees with performance deficiencies Contact John Adams, Director Contact Gail Smith, Supervisor

42  No Surprises! No school counselor should receive an overall Unsatisfactory rating unless he/she has been informed in writing of specific performance concerns during the year. A school counselor should never be able to say… I thought I was doing fine all year, but I received a “Unsatisfactory” rating….or… By the time I got feedback from my observation, school was almost out. I didn’t have time to improve my performance or get help.

43 Certified Evaluation Appeals An school counselor may base his/her appeal on either of two reasons Failure to follow procedures Failure to consider significant information Principal determines what is “significant” A school counselor may not “grieve” the results of his/her evaluation

44 Certified Evaluation Appeals To appeal an evaluation, the employee must complete an evaluation appeal form (PASS/EMWeb) and submit it, along with any evidence and/or documentation, to the Principal/Supervisor within 10 business days of the receipt of the evaluation report The Principal/Supervisor must respond to the appeal within 20 business days If the rating is upheld, the employee may submit an appeal to the CHRO within 10 days of receipt of the Principal’s response The CHRO, AAS, and Director of Evaluation Systems will review and provide a single response to the appeal within 20 days of receipt of the appeal This exhausts the appeal process


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