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BLOOD AND BLOOD SPLATTER Chapter 8. Composition of Blood Blood is a tissue that circulates around through the body. There are 3 types of cells in blood:

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2 Composition of Blood Blood is a tissue that circulates around through the body. There are 3 types of cells in blood:  1. Red blood cells  2. White blood cells  3. Platelets

3 Composition of blood All of these cells are suspended in a liquid called plasma. It is similar to saltwater in composition. Carries dissolved proteins (antibodies, hormones, clotting factors) and nutrients (glucose, amino acids, salts and minerals).

4 Composition of Blood 1. Red blood cells (erythrocytes)  Carry respiratory gases (O2 and CO2)  Hemoglobin in the red blood cells is an iron-containing protein that binds to O2 in the lungs and transports the O2 to cells in all the tissue in the body.  Also responsible for the color red in blood.  5-6 million per mm 3 of blood.

5 Composition of blood 2. White blood cells (leukocytes)  Fight disease and foreign invaders.  The white blood cells attack invaders and concentrate where the infection is.  They engulf and digest the invaders.  Other white blood cells secrete proteins known as antibodies, and assist in immune response.

6 White blood cells continued  Only type of blood cell that contains a nucleus.  Only type used as a source for DNA profiling.  Dr. Alec Jeffreys used in 1982 for DNA profiling.  Types: Basophil, Eosinophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil, and monocyte.  5,000-10,000 per cubic mm of blood

7 Composition of blood 3. Platelets (thrombocytes)  Aid in blood clotting and are involved in repairing damaged blood vessels.  Discovered by Sir William Osler.  250,000-400,000 per cubic mm of blood

8 * Components of blood for greatest to least in percentage 1. plasma 2. Red blood cells 3. Platelets 4. White blood cells (unless sick)

9 Presumptive Tests For Blood Kastle-Meyer Indicator test How does the Kastle-Meyer Indicator test detect for blood? 1. In the presence of Heme, hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen (free radical). 2. The free oxygen (radical) readily combines with the phenolphthalein in the Kastle-Meyer reaction.

10 Presumptive Tests For Blood 3.Once the phenophthalein is oxidized, the phenophthalein turns pink. If it does not turn pink, then there was no Heme to break down the hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, no blood was present.

11 Presumptive Tests For Blood Reaction: H 2 O 2 + Heme → H 2 O + O 2 How do you run a Kastle-Meyer Test ? 1. Looking for peroxidase in the red stain. 2. First you apply 2 drops of de-ionized water to the cotton swab. Rub the moistened swab on the blood stain. 3. Add 2 drops of ethyl alcohol to the cotton swab. This helps to expose the hemoglobin molecules.

12 4. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein to the moistened cotton swab. The phenolphthalein serves as the oxygen acceptor. If phenophthalein is oxidized it will produce a pink color. 5. Lastly, add a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide to the cotton swab. If the stain contains blood, then the peroxidases of the Heme in the blood will start to decompose the hydrogen peroxide.

13 Presumptive Tests For Blood 6. Check for pink color. You may also see some foaming action on the cotton swab. It is important to check the results within the first 30 seconds.

14 Animal or Human Blood Animal blood will produce a positive reaction using the Kastle Meyer Test To determine if the blood is human, it is necessary to produce antihuman antibodies. Injecting some human blood into different animals-a rabbit for example- does this. When human blood is injected into the rabbit, the rabbit produces antihuman antibodies or antiserum.

15 Animal or Human Blood To perform the precipitin test, a sample of the suspected human blood is placed in the depression of a gelatin-coated depression slide. Antihuman antibodies or antiserum is placed on the opposite side of the depression slide. After applying an electric current, the protein molecules in the two samples migrate toward each other, forming a precipitin line where the proteins combine (antigen and antibodies).

16 Animal or Human Blood A precipitin is an antibody that precipitates its specific antigen and removes it from the blood.

17 Blood Spatter 3 Things act on falling blood along with the force of gravity. Cohesion, adhesion and surface tension Gravity pulls downward on blood and causes the blood droplet becomes longer than it is wide. Blood is said to be cohesive. This means that a blood mixture is attracted to similar blood mixtures and tends to stick together and not separate as it falls.

18 Blood Spatter Basically the blood pushes toward the center of the drop. Combining the effect of gravity and the cohesive nature on falling blood gives a net effect of maintaining the bloods circular or round appearance. When blood falls on a flat surface it will still have a curved surface (again because of its cohesive nature). The surface of blood is elastic and gives the blood spatter a spherical appearance.

19 Blood Spatter If any of the blood does overcome cohesion and separates from the main droplet of blood, it will form small secondary droplets called satellites. If blood falls on a porous surface (wood, ceiling tile) it may form extensions on the outer edge of the blood droplet known as spikes.

20 Blood Spatter Surface tension is an elastic characteristic along the outer edge of a liquid caused by the attraction of like molecules. Cohesion is a force between two similar substances. Adhesion is a force between 2 unlike surfaces.  Example- blood and surface of wall

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