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by a man named ________________ who was a Russian chemist and inventor. It was developed in _____ according to their _______________________ and their.

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Presentation on theme: "by a man named ________________ who was a Russian chemist and inventor. It was developed in _____ according to their _______________________ and their."— Presentation transcript:


2 by a man named ________________ who was a Russian chemist and inventor. It was developed in _____ according to their _______________________ and their ___________________ _________. It is a chart that organizes ________ Periodic Table: INTRODUCING THE PERIODIC TABLE When was the Periodic Table developed and who created it? increasing atomic numbers chemical and physical properties Dmitri Mendeleev 1869 elements

3 but his periodic table _________ and left room for the ________________ ___________. In his time, there were only ___________ discovered, Maybe there are more elements? INTRODUCING THE PERIODIC TABLE predicted future discoveries of elements 60 elements

4 Each element on the periodic table is represented within an ___________ which contains the following basic information. atomic number atomic mass element symbol element name (A whole number with no decimals.) (It is larger than atomic number and always has decimals.) (Only the first letter is capitalized.) a) Draw the box for the element for the element that has an that has an atomic mass of atomic mass of 107.87. 107.87. b) Draw the box for the element that has the element symbol Pt. for the element that has the element symbol Pt. oxidation number (It has a + or – sign.) INTRODUCING THE PERIODIC TABLE element box

5 The periodic table is arranged in columns and rows. ORGANIZATION OF THE PERIODIC TABLE How many groups are there on the periodic table? column − Each column on the periodic table is called a ______. − There are ___ groups on the periodic table. group 18

6 The periodic table is arranged in columns and rows. ORGANIZATION OF THE PERIODIC TABLE How many periods are there on the periodic table? column − Each column on the periodic table is called a ______. − There are ___ groups on the periodic table. group 18 row − Each row on the periodic table is called a ________. − There are __ periods on the periodic table. period 7

7 zigzag There is a zigzag that separates the periodic table into two sides. left − To the left of the staircase you will find all the ______. Can you find the zigzag on the periodic table? right − To the right of the staircase you will find all the __________, metals non-metals except for the element _________, ORGANIZATION OF THE PERIODIC TABLE staircase metals non-metals hydrogen found on the left side. which is a non-metal This zigzag is also called the ________.

8 Directly to either side of the staircase you will find elements called _________. ORGANIZATION OF THE PERIODIC TABLE metalloids There are __ of these types of elements. 8 metalloids

9 except for ________ which is a _____. Metals: All metals are _____ at room temperature Many metals are _______ and ______ in color, ______, _________, __________ and some are ________. malleableductile METALS, NON-METALS & METALLOIDS solids mercuryliquid lustroussilvery conductive magnetic

10 They are ____________, __________, ______ when solid, ______________ and ____________. These ones are: ______, __________, _____, ________ and _____. and five non-metals which are _____. except for ________ which is a _____, Non-Metals: Most non-metals are _____, Non-metal elements are either ________ or have ____________. METALS, NON-METALS & METALLOIDS colorless various colors notmalleable not malleable notductile not ductilebrittle poor conductors nonmagnetic gases bromine liquid carbon solids phosphorus sulfurseleniumiodine

11 They are ___ electrical conductors. − They are mostly _______ in appearance but they are ______. Metalloids: Metalloids are ________ at room temperature. They have some properties of ____ metals and non-metals. METALS, NON-METALS & METALLOIDS allsolids all solids both metallic brittle fair

12 Chemical Family: properties Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE

13 Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________. Group 1:Alkali Metals CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE Chemical Family: properties

14 Group 1:Alkali Metals This group of elements are all ____ and _____-colored _____. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE softsilversolids

15 Group 1:Alkali Metals This group of elements are all ____ and _____-colored _____. softsilversolids

16 called a _________. Cl Na Sodium AtomChlorine Atom Sodium Ion Chlorine Ion NaCl table salt CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE to each become a stable ___, Group 1:Alkali Metals ion meaning they have a ___ outer orbital. full  The bond between the ions creates a ____ substance by __________ their valence electron  They each very readily _____ with other elements bond transferring This group of elements are all ____ and _____-colored _____. They are the _____ reactive of all the metals because… they only have ____ valence electron. softsilversolids most one compound new

17 Group 1:Alkali Metals Elements get _____ reactive as you go _____ the group. They are all reactive with _____.  To prevent contact with ___________ in the air, they are stored in _________.  ________ is the most reactive. water mineral oil CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE water mineraloil mineral oil watervapor water vapor more down Francium...and it’s…

18 Group 1: Group 2: Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Chemical Family: properties Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE

19 Group 2:Alkaline Earth Metals These elements are also all _____-colored _____. They are also reactive with _____ but ____ so than group 1 elements. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE silver solids waterless

20 Group 2:Alkaline Earth Metals CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE These elements are also all _____-colored _____. They are also reactive with _____ but ____ so than group 1 elements. silver solids waterless

21 These elements are also all _____-colored _____. They are also reactive with _____ but ____ so than group 1 elements.  They each have ___ valence electrons. silver solids waterless two Group 2:Alkaline Earth Metals bond  Similar to group 1 elements, they readily bond with other elements. Elements get _____ reactive as you go _____ the group.  _______ is the most reactive. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE transfer ionsfull However, in this case they transfer their ____ valence electrons to become stable ions with full outer orbitals. two more down Radium...and it’s also…

22 Group 1: Group 2: Groups 17: Alkali MetalsHalogens Alkaline Earth Metals CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE Chemical Family: properties Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________.

23 and are found in all _____ states. This group of elements are all __________ gas liquid solid They are the _____ reactive of the non-metals because they have _____ valence electrons.  1 electron short of a full outer orbital. combine ionsfull  They readily combine with other elements to ________ valence electron from them to become stable ions (with full outer shells). CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE non-metals three most seven take one Groups 17: Halogens

24 CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE and are found in all _____ states. This group of elements are all __________ gas liquid solid non-metals three Groups 17: Halogens

25 Halogens gas liquid solid more Halogens become more reactive as you move ___ the group.  _______ is the most reactive. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE up Fluorine

26 Group 1: Group 2: Alkali Metals Alkaline Earth Metals Groups 18:Noble Gases Chemical Family: properties Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE Groups 17: Halogens

27 Groups 18:Noble Gases These non-metal elements are ___________ gases. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE non-reactive

28 Groups 18:Noble Gases  Noble gases are also described as __________. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE donot do notcompounds inertgases inert gases

29 Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________. Group 1: Group 2: Groups 17:Alkali MetalsHalogens Alkaline Earth Metals Groups 18:Noble Gases Transition MetalsGroups 3-12: CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE Chemical Family: properties

30 which is a _____ at room temperature and pressure. Groups 3-12:Transition Metals propertiesof metals These groups contain metals that have the usual properties of metals. solid These metals are all found in the solid state except for _______ (Lustrous, malleable, ductile, electrically conductive, etc.) CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE mercury liquid

31 iron skillet Groups 3-12:Transition Metals commonly known metals The transition metals contain some of the most commonly known metals. platinum ring silver goblet copper pipes copper penny gold necklace mercury thermometer tungsten light bulb titanium aircraft CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE Guess the metal each of these is made from.

32 Group 1: Group 2: Groups 17:Alkali MetalsHalogens Alkaline Earth Metals Groups 18:Noble Gases Transition MetalsGroups 3-12: CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE Is a group (column) that contains elements with similar _________. Chemical Family: properties


34 They will spontaneously ________ in the air. Lanthanides: Elements 57-71 They are all ______ that have been misleadingly labeled “ _______________” in the past. Actinides: Elements 89-103 They are ______ that are __________. CHEMICAL FAMILIES ON THE PERIODIC TABLE metals rare earthmetals rare earth metals metalsradioactive combust


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