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Memory Techniques Visan Cosmin Ionut Social Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Techniques Visan Cosmin Ionut Social Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Techniques Visan Cosmin Ionut Social Work

2 Content Definition Memory improvement tips Dealing with forgetfulness What to avoid for a good memory

3 Definition The memory is the proces of retaining the present and the past information, also allowing us to recall the information that rests in our brain The memory is classified in two categories:MSD and MLD

4 MSD-Memory of Short Period Is the memory with a limited capacity of retaining Studies proved that in the first 6 seconds we forget 50% of the information that we try to memorize,and after 15 second 90% is forgotten

5 MLD- Memory of Long Period It is the memory with unlimited capacity of retaining the semantic experience We are getting to this type of memory by the mediation of the short period memory: rehearsals,emotional charges,understandings, ilogical links ilogical links

6 Memory improvement tips The best memory trick:- most people remember images better than verbal or written information

7 The “link method” performed by Andy Bell tells us that if we use a story to memorise facts we all have the potential to perform astoneshing feeds of memory If you have to memorize 30 words: -at every word find an empirical link and you’ll remember it

8 The Acronysm method – implies memorising the firsts letters of your work list.For example: supose you need to remember to buy apples,salt,tomatoes,oranges,beans and cereal from the store,saying A-S-T-O-B-C to yourself over and over again you are surely going to remember what you must buy.

9 Dealing with forgetfulness Manny people have problems with forgetfulness even if they have a good memory

10 The mindfulness mediation – start with five minuntes in the morning and 5 minutes before bed every day thinking about whatever you like. It will help you to organize your memory that will also improve your memorising

11 What to avoid for a good memory

12 References Memoria_si_invatarea-57.html Memoria_si_invatarea-57.html memory-trick.html memory-trick.html &bih=657&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=copii+sara ci&oq=copii+saraci&aq=f&aqi=g- S1&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=394007l402508l0l4 03142l12l12l0l4l4l0l192l945l3.5l8l0 &bih=657&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=copii+sara ci&oq=copii+saraci&aq=f&aqi=g- S1&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=394007l402508l0l4 03142l12l12l0l4l4l0l192l945l3.5l8l0 SjJZk&feature=related SjJZk&feature=related

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