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LOGO For the beginner Made by Rio Narazaki. W HAT I S L OGO ? Logo is a computer programming language used in Education. Logo is very easy to use. The.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO For the beginner Made by Rio Narazaki. W HAT I S L OGO ? Logo is a computer programming language used in Education. Logo is very easy to use. The."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO For the beginner Made by Rio Narazaki

2 W HAT I S L OGO ? Logo is a computer programming language used in Education. Logo is very easy to use. The word ‘Logo’ came form Greek and it actually means, ‘word’.

3 H OW T O I NSTALL L OGO Go to the MSW Logo website: Then press, ‘Setup Kit’. Then press ‘download’ Now the installing is done.

4 W HAT I S T HE T URTLE ? Turtle is the best known feature of Logo. It was originally a robot moving around on the ground, controlled by the controller.

5 B ASIC C OMMANDS Forward moves forward. e.g. forward 100. Left turns left. e.g. left 90. Right turns right. e.g. right 90. PenUp puts the pen up. PenDown puts the pen down.

6 D RAWING A S QUARE forward 100 right 90 forward 100 right 90 forward 100 right 90 forward 100 This is the instruction to draw a square.

7 P ROCEDURE /S UBROUTINE Procedure or subroutine is a code in a program to do a specific task.

8 L EARNING A BOUT V ARIABLES Variable is something you can change. For example: To Square REPEAT 4 [FD 100 RT 90] End To make a square by using this, you will have to type in: To Square :Length REPEAT 4 [FD :Length RT 90] End These can be changed

9 M ORE C OMMANDS SetPenColor e.g. SetPenColor 5. Clean Clears the turtle’s drawing area. Home Moves the turtle back to the centre of the drawing area.

10 E XAMPLE U SING S ET P EN C OLOR forward 100 setpencolor 5 right 72 forward 100 setpencolor 14 right 72 forward 100 setpencolor 3 right 72 forward 100 setpencolor 2 right 72 forward 100 By moving the turtle right 72 degrees 5 times, it will make a pentagon like in the picture.

11 D RAW A S QUARE W ITH R EPEAT repeat 4 [forward 100 right 90] The turtle repeated going forward 100 and right 90 for 4 times. This made a square.

12 D RAW A C IRCLE repeat 360 [forward 1 right 1] By repeating going forward 1 and right 1 for 360 times, a circle will be made.

13 P ROCEDURES Press ‘edall’, then type in: to square repeat 4 [forward 100 right 90] end Then save and exit. When you just type in ‘square’, the square will be automatically made.

14 Press this button to Edall.

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