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南雄中学 敖桂珍 Senior English for China Book 1 返回 Unit 5 The silver screen Getting To Know Steven Spielberg 2004 年 10 月 10 日.

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2 南雄中学 敖桂珍 Senior English for China Book 1 返回 Unit 5 The silver screen Getting To Know Steven Spielberg 2004 年 10 月 10 日

3 Steven Spielberg 史蒂文。斯皮尔伯格 He was born in America in 1946. He is one of the most important filmmakers in the USA. He has made many famous films such as Jaws, ET and Jurassic Park.

4 Jaws >

5 ET >

6 Jurassic Park >

7 childhood 童年 details 细节 in 1946 in 1958 in 1959 in 1962 was born in America. made his first real film. won a prize for a short film. made a film called Firelight.

8 Introducing Spielberg’s childhood. He was very interested in the films from a very early age.

9 youth was to go to the Film Academy. English a small job at a film studio. the youngest film director in the world. his career took off. The reason why …was that … His dream He studied A short film won him a job as This was the moment when 青年 and got

10 Working hard and believing in your dream will come true. No pains, no gains.( 不劳则无获)

11 works general information Jaws ET Jurassic Park Schindler’s List Saving Private Ryan 《拯救大兵瑞恩》 《大白鲨》 《外星人》 《侏罗记公园》 《辛德勒名单》 A big white shark attacks and eats swimmers. A young boy makes friends with a creature from outer space. A park where a very rich man keeps all kinds of dinosaurs. About the cruelty of war. A German businessman saves Jews. About the cruelty of war. A group of eight soldiers try to save the soldier “ Ryan”

12 What are the second-sixth paragraphs about ? Describing Spielberg’s famous films. His passion( 激情 ) for film, his love for his family,hard work and perseverance( 毅力) have made him who he is.

13 family details He is one of He owes He got married to The couple the top directors in the film industry. his success and happiness his wife and children. an actress. has seven children in all. to

14 Introducing his family. The love of his family. secret of success 返回

15 Steven Spielberg is one of the in the film. He was born. when he was a boy, he showed great in films. He his own films and won for them After English, he worked as the film director and his career. He his family and his success and to his wife and children. Some of his films “Jaws” and “ Jurassic Park” are horror( 恐怖). He made two science-fiction films. His films such as “ Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan” are about the of war and in life. made happiness later cruelty love top directors in America in 1946 interest prizes studying took off loves such as full of owes industry youngest


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