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Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self-directed, life-long learners.

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Presentation on theme: "Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self-directed, life-long learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self-directed, life-long learners in a safe and enriching environment. Somerset Mission

2 Somerset Beliefs S - Set high expectations O - Objective M - Meaningful curriculum E - Effective R - Resourceful and responsible life long learners S - Scholars who achieve proficiency and beyond E - Evaluate continuously and use data to drive curriculum T - Teachers who are highly qualified

3 No Scents Scented products are not permitted on Campus! Scented products include but are not limited to: Perfume Cologne Lotion Hand Sanitizer Body Spray. You can put any of those on at home before leaving for school. There are hand sanitizers in every class room that are scent free. Being caught with any scented product on campus can result in a detention!


5 Drama Club Members: Turn in your $14 for drama club t- shirts by TUESDAY. (Photos Approximate)

6 Botanical Gardens Volunteer Opportunity  Saturday October 24 th from 12:00 to 4:00  Students must fill out permission slip and volunteer application found in the main office.  Four hours of service will be awarded  Students and Parents welcomed to attend(MUST WEAR FRIDAY OR SCHOOL SHIRTS)  Task: Decoration for Halloween  Location: Botanical Gardens on Westmoreland, right of Port Saint Lucie BLVD

7 Howl O’ Scream  October 31 st 2015  Busch Gardens Howl O’ Scream is now open to ALL grade levels  Bus leaves at 1:30pm from school and is expected to return at 2:00am  Cost is $100.00 dollars and this covers entrance and bus fee.  MONEY AND PERMISSION SLIP DUE ON OCTOBER 21 ST 2015

8 FSA Writing Practice for October Retake  Students who will retake the FSA at the end of October may stay after school on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 for extra help on the Writing portion of the test. Tutoring will be in Room 104 with Ms. Brasino.  Students may also stay after on Thursdays for extra Reading practice with Ms. Danese in Room 103.

9 Treasure Coast Chapter of The Links Incorporated scholarship Objectives: The awards are intended to provide recognition and financial support for qualified students who: Have a 3.0 or better GPA (un-Weighted) Have Financial Need Eligibility: Applicants must be classified as a senior and must have met all state and district requirements to graduate in May/June of the current school year. All applicants must have the intent to attend an accredited post-secondary institution in order to receive the award. Applications: Applications must be received by December 1 st, 2015 and must include the following: 1. Completed, signed application form 2. Essay of personal goals 3. Two Letters of recommendation 4. Official transcripts 5. Small Color Photo 6. Most recent U.S. Federal Income Tax Return Submit to: Treasure Coast (FL) Charter of the Links, Incorporated P.O. Box 880402 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34988-0402 Scholarship Award Amount: $1,000.00 Non-renewable The recipients of the scholarship in St. Lucie, Indian River, and Martin Counties will be announced May 6 th, 2016 or at the recipients high school scheduled scholarship Awards night. Follow Up: If you receive a scholarship, an official letter of acceptance and record of registration with courses listed must be submitted to the above address on or before September 30, 2016 to receive the award amount.

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11 Seniors! When applying for universities/colleges you must remember to fill out an Official Transcript Request Form found in the main office. For security reasons we will not be releasing transcripts without your written permission. Forms can we found in the spindle under the GUIDANCE tab in the MAIN OFFICE. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Hernandez.

12 College Fair 2015  Over 70 Colleges/ Universities  November 4, 2015  6:00pm-9:00pm @ Civic Center  If you attend and sign in you will receive volunteer hours.

13 Advisor Appointments Students keep in mind that there are Advisor Appointment forms in the main office if you need to speak with Mrs. Hernandez.

14 A Night in Paris Homecoming 2015  Date: November 20, 2015  Time: 7pm-11pm  Location: Catering Revolution in St. Lucie West  Cost: $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Tickets will go on sale on November 2 nd 2015.

15 Youth Job Fair  Who: Ages 16-24  What: Youth employment opportunities & community research  Where: Garber GMC Community Center in Fort Pierce  When: 11am-2pm Friday October 16th

16 *Announcements* Spring Break 2017 – British Isles ❖ Registration is now open - 32 seats available  Tour Number: 1747637KT Spring Break 2018 - China  Registration is now open – 30 seats available ❖ Tour Number: 1752005WJ

17 University of South Florida USF’s College of Nursing ranks #1 in Florida and #24 nationwide! #48 on U.S. News and World Reports “National Universities” list #43 Best Engineering Schools nationwide (#5 for Biological / Agricultural Engineering) #47 Best Law Schools nationwide #43 Best Medical Schools: Research nationwide #14 in Pharmacy nationwide One of the nations top 40 public research universities nationwide Has been named one of the top 50 Colleges Advancing Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

18 University Application Deadlines! FSU - October 15 th, 2015 or January 13 th, 2016 UM - November 1 st, 2015 UF - November 1 st, 2015 UCF - May 1 st, 2016 FIU - December 1 st, 2015 UT - November 15 th, 2015 FAU - May 1 st, 2016 USF - January 2 nd, 2016

19 SENIOR PACKAGE ❖ Class of 2016 – Senior Fees $50 per student// $55 after October 1// $60 after January 1 ❖ Cap & Tassel (keep) ❖ Gown Rental ❖ Diploma with cover ❖ Graduation Tickets ❖ Senior Pins ❖ Senior Awards ❖ Senior Portrait for the School ❖ Prom – $80 ❖ Senior Activities Week - $52 for all ❖ May 16– Superplay Night 7-10pm ($18) ❖ May 17– Movie Night ($15) ❖ May 18– Dinner/Roast/Awards/Pinning ($12) ❖ May 19– Beach/Picnic Day (Potluck) ❖ May 20– Breakfast @ Golden Corral ($10)

20 Saint Leo University  If you are a senior applying for Saint Leo University please see Mrs. Hernandez in the main office. Mr. Weston graduated from Saint Leo University and is willing to provide, applying students, with paperwork which would give you automatic $100.00 book scholarship, plus the chance to win an additional $500.00 scholarship.

21 LINCOLN MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY ✓ Application Fee waived for SCPA students ✓ In state tuition offered ➢ Associates of Science in Nursing ➢ Bachelor of Science in Nursing ➢ Bachelor of Business Administration ❑ Accounting ❑ Marketing ➢ Bachelor of Science ❑ Athletic Training ❑ Veterinary Health Science ❑ Criminology and Criminal Justice ❑ Social Work ❑ Environmental Science ➢ Bachelor of Arts ❑ Art ❑ Media Communications ❑ Business ❑ Political Science Harrogate, TN

22 Girls Basketball Tryouts This WEEK : Charles E Ray park 5626 N.W. Manville Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL 34983

23 Tohono O’odham Community College  A Morrill Land Grant School located in beautiful Arizona  Two-year college for individuals from all walks of life who want to further their education  Highly qualified faculty and staff who are dedicated to the art of teaching, advising, and service specifically to the Tohono O'odham Community  Offers Apprenticeships in Carpentry, Construction Painting, Electrical, Facilities Maintenance, and Plumbing  GO JEGOS!!!!!

24 Volunteer Opportunities Treasure Coast Food Bank (from May 2015 to December 2015): 772-489-3034 Community Center: 2195 SE Airoso Blvd, Port St. Lucie Botanical Garden: 2410 SE Westmoreland Blvd, Port St. Lucie OR 772-337-1959 Manatee Center: 480 N Indian River Dr., Fort Pierce OR 772-489-3034 Animal Husbandry Volunteer: 420 Seaway Dr., Fort Pierce Civic Center: 9221 SE Civic Center Place, Port St. Lucie OR 772-878-2277 Robert E. Minsky Gymnasium: 750 SW Darwin Lane, Port St. Lucie Savannah Preserve State Park: 2541 Walton Rd., Port St. Lucie OR 772-398-2779 St. Lucie Habitat for Humanity: 772-249-0792 Police Department: 772-344-4052 The Humane Society of St. Lucie County Cat Foster Program (18+): 772-332-5876 The Humane Society of St. Lucie County Dog Foster Program (18+): 772-332-5876 Dog Walking (Humane Society of St. Lucie County): 772-519-2423 Harvest Food and Outreach Center: 2520 Orange Ave., Fort Pierce OR 772-468-8543 City of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Program: 2195 SE Airoso Blvd., Port St. Lucie OR 772-807- 4475 Students Working Against Tobacco: 5150 NW Milner Dr., Port St. Lucie OR 772-785-6144 United Way of St. Lucie County: 4800 S US 1, Fort Pierce OR 772-464-5300

25 Volunteer hours  Packets are in the front office under forms  For the Port St. Lucie Botanical gardens  Every Saturday and Sunday  Hours are from 12-4  Parent volunteers welcomed

26 Senior Quotes

27 FAU Career Expo  When: October 24, 2015  Who: The trip is now open to ALL grade levels.  What: Attendees will be able to speak to college representatives, l earn about scholarships and financial assistance, p ick up literature and learn about various degree programs, and r eceive free giveaways and the chance to win scholarships to FAU.  Where: FAU Boca Raton (Football field) We will leave early Saturday morning and come back around 3pm. Cost: $10 per student (just pays for bus)

28 Send in your music selections for homecoming

29 Tutoring ❖ Lunch Tutoring: 1.Monday- English 2.Tuesday- Science 3.Wednesday- History 4.Thursday- Foreign Language and Math 5.Friday- TBA ❖ After school Tutoring: 1.Monday- Science 2.Tuesday- Math 3.Wednesday- Detention 4.Thursday- English 5.Friday- N/A

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