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How do you identify them?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you identify them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you identify them?
Variables How do you identify them?

2 Independent Variable What changes in an experiment
I can change it = Independent Variable Example: You are testing how different cleaning sprays clean dust. You are changing the cleaning spray (you will use 3 different sprays and see which works best) IV- type of cleaning spray

3 Dependent Variable What you are measuring/testing for
Data = Dependent Variable Example: You are testing how different cleaning sprays clean dust. You are measuring the amount of dust each cleaner picks up DV- amount of dust

4 Constant Variable What does not change in the experiment
Stays constant = Constant Variable Example: You are testing how different cleaning sprays clean dust. You will not change : the area you clean, the time you clean, the time spent cleaning, the amount of time between cleanings If you change any of these your experiment will not be accurate

5 Try your own! Problem: How does the type of light bulb I use affect the brightness of the room? IV- DV- CV-

6 Sleeping How does the amount of sleep I get affect my school day? IV-

7 Tires How does the type of tires I use affect how many miles my car can go? IV- DV- CV-

8 Hints! When the problem is using the word affect
The IV comes before the word affect The DV comes after the word affect How does the type of tires I use affect how many miles my car can go? How does the amount of sleep I get affect my school day?

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