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Dr Ismini Vasileiou Lecturer in Information Systems School of Computing, Electronics and The Geek.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Ismini Vasileiou Lecturer in Information Systems School of Computing, Electronics and The Geek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Ismini Vasileiou Lecturer in Information Systems School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics @geekIsmini The Geek Culture, Social Interaction and the Peer Assisted Learning Scheme

2 Workshop Aims The Geek Culture Challenges as an Academic Gender Imbalance Peer Assisted Learning Scheme 2

3 Activity 1 You've been given some paper, fold it and target the bucket in front of the room. 3

4 Activity Summary What were the instructions? What issues were identified? What would you do differently? How do you think a ‘Geek’ would handle this activity?

5 Stereotypes Geek: What are the characteristics? Women in IT/STEM Emotions in classroom and workplace 5

6 STEM and Geeks Attendance Leadership Transferable Skills 6

7 Peer Assisted Learning(PALS) in SoCEM Stage 2 and Stage 3 Students supporting 300 students in Computing 100 students in Electronics and Robotics 100 students in Maths and Stats

8 PALS Setting Labs or Classroom Activities NOT Teaching Facilitating

9 Activity 2 PALS Session You will now be shown how to develop Mobile Apps on MITAppInventor Nominate TWO PALS Leaders in your groups The PALS Leaders will need to think and design their PALS Session - 5 mins Run a PALS Session in your groups - 15 mins Present in the rest of the room: How did you start the session? What was the biggest challenge? Any issues?

10 Attitudes to PALS Aiming to: Willingness to share Acceptance of difference Aiming NOT to: Accept disengagement Focus on Competence

11 Activity 3 Based on the issue discussed, ‘The Geek Culture’, work in your groups and identify possible activities that can encourage a student in STEM to work on his/her social interactions through PALS.

12 Some Conclusions Student learning is complex. Student experience is multidimensional. Create a Community Learning Environment. PALS supports further Productivity Learning Enquiry Reflection Reasoning Teamwork

13 Questions? Further Suggestions

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