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BELL RINGER: GEOMETRIC DOODLING: How can you use geometric shapes to represent concepts? Take a worksheet. Using the circles, squares, and triangles on.

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Presentation on theme: "BELL RINGER: GEOMETRIC DOODLING: How can you use geometric shapes to represent concepts? Take a worksheet. Using the circles, squares, and triangles on."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL RINGER: GEOMETRIC DOODLING: How can you use geometric shapes to represent concepts?
Take a worksheet. Using the circles, squares, and triangles on the worksheet as focal points, create 18 identifiable images by adding other elements while maintaining the integrity of the original shapes. EXAMPLE WORKSHEETS

2 Shapes have two dimmensions – height and width.
Shape is usually, though not always, defined by line.

3 Geometric Organic There are 2 types of shapes: - Named shapes
- Often man-made - Free-flowing - Often irregular & asymmetrical - Often found in nature ©

4 ©
Shapes can be: Positive Negative Shapes that you create - the actual object Background ©

5 Positive and negative shapes are equally important.
…Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart.

6 Same as lines, shapes can represent emotions.
Squares are solid and stable. Curved shapes are graceful. Inverted triangles are unstable. Angular shapes suggest structural strength. Leaning position of shapes suggests movement.

7 Complete your Tangrams (directions to follow)
TODAY IN CLASS… Complete your Tangrams (directions to follow) Complete your Geometric Doodles that you started as bell work. These will be collected at the end of class and taken as a sketchbook grade.

8 Cut out the shapes!

9 Arrange the small shapes to recreate the big shapes.
- Use the shapes designated in each column. - Shapes should not overlap or have gaps. - Draw the layout.

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