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® IBM Software Group © 2007 IBM Corporation Module 3: Creating UML Diagrams Essentials of Modeling with IBM Rational Software Architect, V7.5.

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1 ® IBM Software Group © 2007 IBM Corporation Module 3: Creating UML Diagrams Essentials of Modeling with IBM Rational Software Architect, V7.5

2 2 After completing this module, you will be able to:  Create UML diagrams  Diagrams in UML models  Query diagrams  Visual development diagrams  Describe how UML elements can be added to diagrams using:  Action bars  Tool palette  Project Explorer view Module objectives

3 3 Where are we?  UML diagrams  Creating UML diagrams in models  UML visual development  Query diagrams

4 4 UML diagrams  UML diagrams graphically depict a view of a part of your model or code  Different diagrams represent different views of the system you are developing  A model element appears in zero or more diagrams

5 5 UML diagram versus UML model  A model can contain one or more diagrams.  A diagram presents a view of parts of a model.  A model element that appears only once in your model can appear in one or more diagrams.  Different diagrams present different contexts.

6 6 UML diagrams in Rational Software Architect Interaction diagrams Structure diagrams Activity diagrams Sequence diagrams Communication diagrams State Machine diagrams Component diagrams Composite Structure diagrams Class diagrams Model Object diagrams Deployment diagrams Use-case diagrams Behavior diagrams

7 7 Freeform diagrams and geometric shapes  Freeform diagrams can include UML and non-UML elements  Default diagram included when creating UML packages  Display geometric shapes and other non-UML notation  Use for sketches and other informal modeling Images are added to the model as URL elements.

8 8 Discussion Which UML diagrams do you use in modeling?

9 9 How many diagrams do you need?  Depends on the artifacts being modeled and the needs of users  Use diagrams to visualize the system from different perspectives  No complex system can be understood in its entirety from only one perspective  Model elements can appear in zero or more diagrams  A class can:  Appear in zero or more class diagrams  Be represented in a state machine diagram  Have instances that appear on a sequence diagram  Each diagram provides a different perspective

10 10 Where are we?  UML diagrams  Creating UML diagrams in models  UML visual development  Query diagrams

11 11 Creating UML diagrams  Use diagrams to represent different views of the system or application:  UML diagrams  Non-UML (freeform) diagrams  Create diagrams in:  Models  Model elements  Packages  Components  Active classes  And so on Creating a diagram from the Project Explorer view

12 12 Review: Diagram editor Drawing surface Tools Palette Drawers

13 13 Adding model elements to a diagram 12 Hover or click the mouse in the diagram to make the action bar appear. Select the element to insert. Hover over the new model element to use the action bar to add details (attributes and operations). 3 Drag an existing element from the Project Explorer view. Click a tool in the diagram editor’s tool palette and then click inside the diagram. + Class

14 14 Using the diagram editor palette The palette contains tools to create and explore elements in the model Expand to choose a specialized tool Click or drag to add an element to the diagram Magnify the diagram Add a note, textbox, or note attachment Show related elements on the diagram Other explore tools become available when optional features are installed The Create palette The Explore palette Show UML profile use on the diagram

15 15 Deleting from the diagram and the model  Delete from Diagram menu item  Remove the item from the diagram, but do not delete it from the model  Delete from Model menu item  Remove the item from the diagram and the model Deleting an element in the Diagram Editor

16 16 Demo: Create a UML diagram  The instructor will now show you how to:  Create a new diagram  Add shapes using the Project Explorer view  Add shapes and connectors using the:  Action bar  Tool palette  Delete from the diagram and the model  Validate the model

17 17 Where are we?  UML diagrams  Creating UML diagrams in models  UML visual development  Query diagrams

18 18 UML visual development  Develop or visualize Java and C++ code using UML diagrams in an implementation project  You can maintain visual development diagrams as:  Project resources  Class (.dnx)  Sequence (.tpx)  New diagrams in an existing UML model (.emx)  Class  Sequence  Freeform  Topic or browse Class and sequence diagram files in a Java (implementation) project.

19 19 Class diagrams Add class diagrams to a Java or C/C++ project to visualize and edit classes  Code changes automatically update the diagram, and vice versa, when resources are saved  Harvest visualized elements into a model

20 20 Sequence diagrams  Use sequence diagrams to understand and develop behaviors and interactions among source elements  Visualize behavior or add and edit lifelines, messages, and combined fragments

21 21 Where are we?  UML diagrams  Creating UML diagrams  UML visual development  Query diagrams

22 22 Query diagrams: topic and browse  Use topic and browse diagrams to explore relationships in UML models or in code  With Topic diagrams, you can:  Query the model to see a specific set of relationships between a group of elements from across the model or code  Capture a snapshot of the current state of a model or code  Create an edit diagram based on the topic diagram  With Browse diagrams, you can:  Explore relationships from a selected element to other elements to understand the wider context  Navigate the model or code  Generate an edit diagram from a browse diagram

23 23 Topic diagrams  Create Topic diagrams to depict key model elements and their relationships.  Topic diagrams are:  Created by querying the model or code  Persisted in the model  Dynamically updated  Most useful for visualizing code  Used in architectural discovery

24 24 Browse diagrams  Browse diagrams can be used to:  Show the elements related to the selected element  Show the dependencies to the selected element  Gain a detailed understanding of the element in focus  Browse diagrams are driven by parameters and filters that you control. Select relationships to display and levels of relationships, and then click Apply. Right-click the diagram surface and click File > Save As to save the diagram as an edit diagram or image file. Double-click an element in the diagram to make it the focus of a new browse diagram. A single element is the focus of the diagram.

25 25 Lab 3: Create UML Diagrams To begin the lab:  In the workbench, click Help > Cheat Sheets to open the Cheat Sheet Selection dialog.  Expand Essentials of Modeling Labs.  Double-click 03 Create UML Diagrams.  Follow the directions indicated on the Cheat Sheet.  In this lab, you will complete the following tasks:  Create a class diagram  Use a browse diagram  Use a topic diagram  Optional: visualize Java code in UML diagrams (Rational Software Architect only)

26 26 Review  What is the difference between a topic diagram and browse diagram in Rational Software Architect?  What is the difference between a topic diagram and a class diagram in UML visual development?

27 27 Further Information  Web Resources  Articles  Books (Resources are provided in the student manual)

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