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Jump to first page Craft & Design Final Project Folio.

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1 Jump to first page Craft & Design Final Project Folio

2 Jump to first page Cover Page n Course Title n Project Title n Your name n Candidate number n School n Date n Appropriate picture

3 Jump to first page Contents page n Number list of sections in report Make sure ALL pages have a footer with your name, candidate number, date and project title.

4 Jump to first page Brief n A short statement of what the problem is. It gives the designer the ‘lead-in’ to the design project. n Don’t restrict your design options by being too specific about what your design should do.

5 Jump to first page Analysis n Break the problem down into all the things the designer must think about. n Examine each part in turn. n Try using a mind map drawing. n Consider areas such as : Location, Function, Aesthetics, Materials, Erogonomics.

6 Jump to first page Specifications n This is a list of what your design should do or be. Begin by writing : My design should … n Start with the most important function. n Work your way round your mind map identifying the most important features of your design.

7 Jump to first page Research 1 n Depending on your selected model your research will take on different forms. n Perhaps you will measure the sizes of something it will hold. n Perhaps you will consider the maximum loads it will be placed under.

8 Jump to first page Research 2 n Research existing products on the market that perform a similar function to your proposed design. n Cover a page with pictures of them detailing the good and bad points about each of them. n Research alternative styles - avoid being too specific to your design brief.

9 Jump to first page Design Ideas 1 n Start sketching some designs for your model. n Try sketching simple shapes and combining them to form complex patterns. n Look at the patterns and try to develop ideas for your design.

10 Jump to first page Ideas 2 n Start to refine your ideas more. n Produce 4 or 5 designs which would satisfy your design specification. n List next to each design the good and bad points about each design. n Based on this decide which design you are going to build.

11 Jump to first page Modelling n Design a 3-D mock up of the proposed design solution. n Concept model - (made from inexpensive materials cardboard, polystyrene, balsa etc) n Or n Block model - (made from solid block of polystyrene, clay, wood) n Include a photograph of the model built and details of anything you discovered.

12 Jump to first page Working Drawing n This is the final design you are going to build. n It should contain fully dimensioned drawings of the model you will build. n It must include a full cutting list. n Consider sending the drawing away for someone else to build … is there enough detail for them to build it?

13 Jump to first page Sequence of operations n This is a list of what you need to do to make your design. n Roughly this should be about 12 to 16 stages showing the main operations (such as marking out, cutting, drilling, shaping, assembling and finishing) n Use plenty of diagrams to help your explanations.

14 Jump to first page Manufacture n This could be a series of photographs showing the various stages of your project being built.

15 Jump to first page Evaluation n After you have completed manufacture you can evaluate your design. n Include a photograph of the finished model. n Refer back to your specifications - comment on how well your design meets or passes the specifications.

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