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Microclimates Fieldwork Revision of fieldwork techniques.

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Presentation on theme: "Microclimates Fieldwork Revision of fieldwork techniques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microclimates Fieldwork Revision of fieldwork techniques.

2 Remember you field work at Ashby School? Use these slides to remind yourself of the techniques that you used. Make sure you can: Describe Explain how the methods work. Explain the “considerations” that could effect the results of fieldwork using these techniques.

3 Wind Speed Anemometer Considerations Very high or low wind speeds can be difficult to measure. Wind strength is hard to measure at ground level (things like buildings can block or funnel the wind). Taking several readings and finding an average can make results more accurate.

4 Wind direction Wind sock The Beaufort scale can be used to give a qualitative judgement of wind speed.


6 Temperature and light level Thermometer Light meter 3 readings of light and temperature taken at each site and average taken. Considerations Cloud cover can change quite quickly, affecting results at each site. Holding thermometer in direct sunlight can affect results.

7 Cloud Cover Estimated in Oktas, which refers to how many eighths of the sky are covered by cloud. The amount of cloud cover at a location can affect temperature readings and light readings.

8 Precipitation (rainfall) Rain gauge Set up and leave for 24 hours at each location. Considerations Consider whether buildings, trees, etc could provide shelter and affect results. Evaporation from the rain gauge could affect results.

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