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Presentation on theme: " SoFMH School of Forensic Mental Health PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY IN PRISON Dr Fergus Douds, Associate Medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 SoFMH School of Forensic Mental Health PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY IN PRISON Dr Fergus Douds, Associate Medical Director, The State Hospital & Clinical Lead – Learning Disabilities, Forensic Network

2 SoFMH School of Forensic Mental Health The Prison Reform Trust (“No-one Knows” report) estimated that up to 7% of all UK prisoners have an IQ of less than 70 and 25% have an IQ less than 80 Scotland’s prison population is approximately 8500 Population prevalence for ID is 2-3% If 2% of prison population had ID that would amount to 170 prisoners in Scotland – small numbers BUT: Prisoners with intellectual disability are 5 times more likely to be subjected to C&R procedures They are 3 times as likely to be placed in a segregation unit as other mainstream prisoners EVERY intellectually disabled prisoner in recent research stated he/she had been bullied in some form by other prisoners or staff Absence of modified treatment programmes in prison

3 SoFMH School of Forensic Mental Health The annual cost per prisoner for 2009-10 was £31,703 There are 15 Scottish prisons, of which 9 have learning disability nurses working to identify and support ID offenders in the prison Parliamentary questions were asked last November of Kenny MacAskill regarding the provision of services for prisoners with an intellectual disability Very important legal case in England 2010: Claimant vs Secretary of State for Justice (case number CO/10088/2009)

4 SoFMH School of Forensic Mental Health National Prisoner Healthcare Network (NPHN) Intellectual Disability clearly part of remit ASPIRATION: “The aim is to create an equitable health and ID service where the provision of care for prisoners is the same as the care for those patients in the community”

5 SoFMH School of Forensic Mental Health Moving Forward Better and more formal liaison between Prison Mental Health staff (including visiting forensic psychiatrist) and community/forensic ID services Prison ID Directory Sharing of resources/training, especially with regard to therapeutic trteatments (anger, social problem solving, sex offender etc) Role of Forensic Network and other organisations, e.g. ARC in promoting best practice

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