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The Enlightenment in American Literature Mrs. Curl American Literature.

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1 The Enlightenment in American Literature Mrs. Curl American Literature

2 Rationalism The Age of Reason or the Enlightenment, began in Europe with the philosophers and scientists of the 17 th and 18 th centuries who called themselves rationalists. Rationalism is the belief that human beings can arrive at truth by using reason Believed, unlike the Puritans, that every person has the ability improve/change their own life.

3 Rationalists Worldview People arrive at truth by using reason God created the universe but does not interfere in tis workings The world operates according to God’s rules, and through the use of reason we can discover those rules People are basically god and perfectible Since God wants people to be happy they worship God best by helping other people Human history is marked by progress toward a more perfect existence

4 Deism/Rationalism Rationalists believed in the philosophy that all people at all times natural laws through reason. This philosophy was called Deism Deists came from different religious backgrounds and did not adhere to one religion, but rather sought the principals that united all religions.

5 Benjamin Franklin The unquestionable masterpiece of the Enlightenment is Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography Diplomat Wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac – a huge publishing success – included homespun advice, aphorisms, astrological advice, recipes, jokes, and farming advice

6 Important Writers and Works of the Period Thomas Paine – Common Sense Patrick Henry gives his speech to the Virginia Convention Phillis Wheatley publishes Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral Benjamin Franklin – Autobiography The Federalist – Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay Thomas Jefferson – The Declaration of Independence

7 Genres Pamphlets Essays Speeches Poetry Autobiographies

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