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Instructional Technology and its Impact on Nursing Education Susan M. Gunter, RN BSN The University of Alabama.

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2 Instructional Technology and its Impact on Nursing Education Susan M. Gunter, RN BSN The University of Alabama

3 Introduction How has technology influenced nursing education since 2000? –Nursing courses are accessible anytime, from anywhere Why is technology transforming nursing education? –Current and predicted nursing workforce and faculty shortages –To increase the number of nurses with advanced degrees by 80% by 2030 (Institute of Medicine, 2011) Where has technology impacted the nursing student ? –Active, engaged learning –Collaboration

4 Advancements and Innovations in Instructional Technology since 2000 1.Distance and online learning 1.High-fidelity Patient Simulation (HFPS)with RFID integration 1.Handheld devices

5 Identified Themes from Literature 1. Increase the amount of nurses with advanced practice degrees a) New technologies encourage baccalaureate prepared nurses to further their education (Institute of Medicine, Future of Nursing, 2011) 2. Meet and exceed the healthcare needs of society a) Aging population and population based health care b) Advance clinical specialties in geriatrics and rural healthcare 3. Increase the nursing workforcea) Predicted nursing shortages through 2030 (American Journal of Medical Quality, 2012) b) Aging nursing faculty and staff

6 Distance and Online Learning

7 Expansion from correspondence courses to wireless Internet Learning Management System (LMS) –Blackboard –eLearning Collaborative Learning –Virtual classrooms –Accessibility and flexibility

8 Learning Management System Infrastructure Platform (Operating System) Discussion Boards Dropboxes Course Email Assignment Reminders Course Management Instructors Limited breakdown of Distance and Online Learning. Document Storage Virtual Classroom Chat Rooms Calendar Alerts Proctored Exams Server or Cloud Interfaces Students Distance Learning Courses

9 Distance Learning Positives Attracts motivated distance and online learners Provides access to information anytime, anywhere Supports adult-learner flexibility Demands autonomy Enables collaboration Negatives Infrastructure incapable of supporting platform Lack of Information System (IS) experts (SMEs) Recurring high costs of updates, additional storage, servers, and interfaces Computer knowledge deficits Isolates the distance student Faculty resistance to additional education

10 High-fidelity Patient Simulation with RFID Integration

11 High-fidelity Patient Simulation with RFID Integration HFPS –Complex skills practice and clinical-decision support based technology RFID –Integrated Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for medication recognition –Utilized to reduce medication errors in practice Laerdal Medical, Inc. –SimMan Essential –SimMan 3G-wireless with RFID 

12 High-fidelity Patient Simulation Positives Simulation Cost $66,500-->$135,000 Budget limitations and increased tuition costs Increased need for technical maintenance and Information Systems (IS) management Negatives Availability of federal, corporate, private grants, and loans to assist with costs Share interdepartmental financial resources Strengthens clinical decision support (CDS) Meeting QSEN competencies (Safety & Informatics) Meeting IOM, Future of Nursing Proposals

13 Handheld Devices

14 Laptops, tablets, and smartphones Multiple platforms, Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows Wireless data services Platform enabled applications 

15 Handheld Devices Positives Enables immediate access to course and stored information Allows “just-in-time” retrieval of data from clinical reference applications Computer in hand Supports online collaboration software Negatives Connectivity issues and incompatible platforms Rapid device model upgrades Application availability between models and plan carriers Isolates a student Security of data

16 EXISTING KNOWLEDGE Theoretical Applications Constructivism Teacher- Centered Passive Learning Information Dissemination 2000 2015 STUDENT-CENTERED Active Learning Experiential Learning COLLABORATION Knowledge Acquisition Instructional Technology

17 Conclusion How has technology influenced nursing education since 2000? –Accessible anytime, anywhere Why is technology transforming nursing education? –Nursing workforce and faculty shortages –To increase the number of nurses with advanced degrees by 80% by 2030 (Institute of Medicine, 2011) Where has technology impacted the nursing student ? –Active, engaged learning –Collaboration

18 Impact on Nursing Scholarship

19 References 1. 2.Juraschek, Zhang, Ranganathan, & Lin (2012). United States registered nurse workforce report card and shortage forecast. American Journal of Medical Quality, 27(3), pp. 241-249 3.Institute of Medicine (2011). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Washington, D. C.: The National Press. 4.Laerdal Medical: Helping save lives. (2013). History. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from 5.

20 Don’t have to put on slide QSEN Competencies Safety Informatics  ksas/ - QSEN ksas/ - QSEN

21 Return to the beginning to sum it all up Advancement, direction, and future The advancement of nursing education –Where is it headed The direction of the nursing profession –What does the literature say The future of the nursing student –What is nursing scholarship Teaching Research Practice

22 Definitions 1.Distance learning- 2.Online learning 3.Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 4.High-fidelity simulation 5.Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) 6.Constructivism

23 Introduction  Rapid advancement of instructional technology in nursing education since 2000 o Why the push?  Nursing shortage Aging population Aging nursing faculty Aging nursing workforce o Who is push?  Federal government and governing bodies of nursing Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009 Institute of Medicine (IOM) Future of Nursing American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) o How are they helping?  Federal grants and institutional loans Increase distance learning and online programs Increase the number of nurses with advanced degrees Develop programs that attract the life long learner

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