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Cerium (ce) Elements. What is cerium used for? Cerium is used for heat resistant alloy. The best known use for this alloy is in flints for cigarette lighters.

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Presentation on theme: "Cerium (ce) Elements. What is cerium used for? Cerium is used for heat resistant alloy. The best known use for this alloy is in flints for cigarette lighters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cerium (ce) Elements

2 What is cerium used for? Cerium is used for heat resistant alloy. The best known use for this alloy is in flints for cigarette lighters. This is because cerium will make sparks when struck. The only other element that does this is iron. It can be also used for pigment or flat screen TVs.

3 What is a cerium? A cerium is a chemical element and it looks like it is a slivery white metal.

4 Did you know.. Did you know cerium classification is rare earth. Did you know that the color of cerium is gray. Did you know the date of the discovery was 1803 and the discoverer was- W. Von Hisinger and Jons Berzeluis.

5 Now do you know a little about cerium? Now that you a little about cerium you can tell a friend, family members, or a teacher! When you learn more about elements in class, you will want to learn more because this elements could be in some things you use like TVs or water.

6 By: D. Gaines. I’m in Mrs. Roberson class and in science we are learning about elements. My teacher gave us a project on elements. I picked CE cerium, when I got to know this element I wanted to know more about elements. I made this power point to show what I know about Cerium and to get a grade. I hoped you enjoyed my power point and you learned some more about this beautiful element.

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