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Entrance Ticket What are the two major lines of credit available to you? What options do you have to pay them back?

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Presentation on theme: "Entrance Ticket What are the two major lines of credit available to you? What options do you have to pay them back?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrance Ticket What are the two major lines of credit available to you? What options do you have to pay them back?

2 Agenda 1) Go Over HW 2) Understanding Credit Scores 3) Investigating Credit Scores 4) Exit Ticket

3 Go over HW According to the video, what options are available to you now in order to build your credit from scratch?


5 What is a credit score? Number that “measures” your financial stability & ability to pay back loans Determines interest rates and credit limits that you qualify for Scores range from 300 – 850 Average American score is 650 – 740

6 Who determines your credit score? FICO: Fair Isaac Corporation FICO credit score: Collection of reports from the 3 major credit reporting companies 1.TransUnion 2.Experian 3.Equifax 90% of all companies that look at credit scores use your FICO score FICOFICO scorescore

7 Hard Inquiries vs Soft Inquiries When you apply for credit (typically a loan or credit card) and a third party looks up your score Can count against your score When you check your own score Does not affect your score

8 Five Contributing Factors to Your Credit Score


10 Credit Score Web Quest (1) How much does each company charge to get your report and score? Equifax = Transunion = Experian = Now google “What’s in my FICO Score” and for each factor, examine “How is credit score calculated from ____?” – Factor 1 (Payment History) Notes – Factor 2 (Amounts Owed) Notes – Factor 3 (Length of Credit History) Notes – Factor 4 (Types of Credit in Use) Notes – Factor 5 (New Credit) Notes

11 Credit Score Web Quest (2) Examine a sample credit report by googling “FICO Score Summary Sample” – What is the person’s credit score? Is it a good score or a bad score? How do you know? – Which elements of the person’s credit history are helping his credit? Which are hurting his credit? – What mortgage APR does he qualify for? – What is his risk to potential lenders? – How much credit has he borrowed for revolving credit? Installment credit?

12 Links for today’s activity tsinyourscore.aspx tsinyourscore.aspx mple/creditreport/sample_summary.aspx? mple/creditreport/sample_summary.aspx

13 Exit Ticket What factor matters the most when calculating your credit score? What can you do to improve this factor?

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