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Visual Rhetoric By: Deane Dutton. General Information Made by Per Arnoldi Per Arnoldi was told to produce 10 visual interpretations from a list of 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Rhetoric By: Deane Dutton. General Information Made by Per Arnoldi Per Arnoldi was told to produce 10 visual interpretations from a list of 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Rhetoric By: Deane Dutton

2 General Information Made by Per Arnoldi Per Arnoldi was told to produce 10 visual interpretations from a list of 10 words. This one of the visuals. It is part of a book titled The Play, which contains the rest of the images as well.

3 The original picture had the text “To look is to learn, if you listen carefully” What does this mean?

4 To look is to learn if you listen carefully. I think it means that if you look at the bigger picture of something, and yet, you still pay attention to the small details, that you’ll learn and understand more about a subject.

5 Logos What is the logical appeal of the image?

6 The logical appeal is that a person would never eat literal trash. People just eat fast food because it’s widely advertised, and tastes good. The majority of people don’t care about how healthy or unhealthy it is.

7 Ethos What is the ethical appeal?

8 The ethical appeal is that fast food, to most people, is considered “garbage” and this is how the majority of people perceive it

9 Pathos What is the emotional appeal?

10 I thought the emotional appeal was that it may instill a feeling of guilt for people who eat too much fast food, not necessarily McDonald’s but any form of fast food, because it may not be as healthy as other types may be.

11 Why is the picture not shown completely clear?

12 I thought this was because it makes the audience look closer, thus causing them to think more.

13 Would the meaning change if it was in black and white?

14 I thought it would a little, because it’s harder to tell that there’s trash inside the McDonald’s container.

15 Sources Per, Arnoldi. The Place. Universal, 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 23 Oct. 2011

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