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Within Course Data Analytics REINVENTION CENTER. Center for the Analytics of Learning and Teaching The Institute for Learning and Teaching Institutional.

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Presentation on theme: "Within Course Data Analytics REINVENTION CENTER. Center for the Analytics of Learning and Teaching The Institute for Learning and Teaching Institutional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Within Course Data Analytics REINVENTION CENTER

2 Center for the Analytics of Learning and Teaching The Institute for Learning and Teaching Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness CSU Online Research and Analytics The Organization of Learning Analytics at Colorado State University

3 Benefits of Within Course Analytics  Instructional innovation (summative and formative)  Alerts and other interventions for students  Alerts for faculty  Insights about LMS and other tools


5 Faculty Driven  Genuinely invested in student learning  Interested in understanding discipline specific student learning and metacognition  Provides an intersection of research and teaching  Not part of the P&T process  Never punitive

6 Impact of the Digital Age  Any digital stream has the potential for analysis to improve student learning  Learning Management Systems are increasingly intended to gather data Texts Videos Discussions Practice tests  Publishers are offering more e-materials and texts as well as student behavioral data related to their products  Tools available to monitor metacognition and knowledge transfer

7 Examples  Course/curricular redesign that is data-informed  Outreach to students prior to the first exam based on behavioral indicators  Identification of skills/knowledge required to succeed (collaboration with Anatomy and Statics faculty)  Self-directed learning behaviors (Calculus 160)  Learning correlated with behaviors and success in previous course  Unizin Real Time Data pilot site  Flipped classroom

8 Significant Issues Remain  Data “ownership” and use  Data storage and integration require significant architectural planning  Finding the gift of time for faculty  Value the scholarship of teaching and learning in the P&T process

9 Conclusion o Do what you can, when you can. o Start by laying a good foundation o Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate o Highlight success stories


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