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ISibalo Symposium 2015 | November | 18

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1 ISibalo Symposium 2015 | November | 18
Stats SA ISibalo Symposium 2015 | November | 18 @StatsSA #StatsSA Presented by George Sibanda/Cheryl Taylor, Gauteng The South Africa I know, the home I understand

2 Access to Housing and Services 2. Conclusion
Presentation Outline Gauteng in Brief – Population Dynamics Migration Unemployment Economy Education Access to Housing and Services 2. Conclusion The South Africa I know, the home I understand

3 GAUTENG IN BRIEF 1.1 Population Dynamics
South Africa population estimate at mid-2015 was Population group South Africa Number % of total population African 80,5 Coloured 8,8 Indian/Asian 2,5 White 8,3 Total 100 Gauteng population 24% of SA’s population is resident in GP Source: Stats SA, Mid-year Population Estimates 2015 The South Africa I know, the home I understand

4 1.2 Number of households in thousands in SA and Gauteng province 2008 - 2014
Years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 GP 3 504 3 661 3 823 3 990 4 153 4 323 4 501 SA 12 886 13 303 13 731 14 173 14 631 15 107 15 602 In 2008 – 27% of SA’s households were in GP. The share increased to 29% in 2014 Source: Stats SA, GHS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

5 1.3 Estimated Gauteng average total fertility rate at birth 2001 - 2016
Source: Stats SA, Mid-Year Population Estimates 2015 The South Africa I know, the home I understand

6 1.4 Gauteng estimated life expectancy at birth by sex 2001 - 2016
Source: Stats SA, Mid-Year Population Estimates 2015 The South Africa I know, the home I understand

7 1.5 Estimated provincial migration flows 2011 - 2016
94 529 66 386 47 755 80 442 15 124 19 372 70 694 59 017 73 057 Outside SA – 29.3% LP – 18.9% KZN – 12.7% NW – 19.1% EC – 17.3% LP – 16.2% Source: Stats SA, Mid-year Population Estimates 2015 The South Africa I know, the home I understand

8 1.6 Official Unemployment rate (15 – 64 yrs) SA and Gauteng Jul/Sep 2014 – Jul/Sep 2015
Source: Stats SA, QLFS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

9 1.7 Employment in SA and Gauteng Province by metropolitan municipality, Q2: 2015 and Q3: 2015
Municipality April- june 2015 Jul- Sept 2015 Thousands SA Total Employment 15657 15 828 Metro 7690 7837 Non Metro 7967 7991 GP 4969 5011 City of Johannesburg 1959 1898 Ekurhuleni 1190 1275 City of Tshwane 1203 1236 617 602 Source: Stats SA, QLFS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

10 1.8 Unemployment rate (15 – 64yrs) Jan/Mar and Apr/Jun 2015 Gauteng Metros and Non Metros
Source: Stats SA, QLFS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

11 1.9 Gauteng contribution to National GDP 1998 - 2013
Source: Stats SA,, GDP The South Africa I know, the home I understand

12 1.10. Percentage Distribution of economic activity in Gauteng 2013
Source: Stats SA, GDP The South Africa I know, the home I understand

13 1.11 CPI in SA, Gauteng and Gauteng metros 2015
Source: Stats SA, CPI The South Africa I know, the home I understand

14 1.12 % of persons aged 20 years and older with no formal schooling in SA and Gauteng province, 2002 and 2014 Source: Stats SA, GHS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

15 1.13 Gauteng higher education 2013 - undergraduates
Number of first-time undergraduate students enrolled in public HEIs, by institution, from 2009 to 2013 Institution 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 University of Johannesburg 13 168 10 230 12 404 10 181 10 142 University of Pretoria 8 015 8 124 7 408 7 412 8 497 University of South Africa 40 884 47 208 60 912 52 227 33 828 Tshwane University of Technology 12 760 11 621 10 556 12 184 13 593 Vaal University of Technology 5 956 6 073 4 816 4 412 4 010 University of Witwatersrand 6 590 5 300 4 684 5 349 5 418 Source:: Dept of Higher Education and Training SA The South Africa I know, the home I understand

16 1.14 Undergraduate success rates of students in HEIs 2013
Contact (%) Distance (%) African Coloured Indian/ Asian White Average UJ 83 84 88 n.a. UP 76 79 81 87 82 78 97 93 UNISA 55 57 61 68 58 TUT 74 85 94 VUT 67 69 73 96 WITS 86 91 Source: Dept of Higher Education and Training SA The South Africa I know, the home I understand

17 1.15 Gauteng HEI graduates 2013 Number of students who graduated from public HEIs, by major field of study, qualification type and institution, in 2013 Institution Major Field of Study Formal Qualification Science, Engineering and Technology Business and Management Education All Other Humanities and Social Sciences Total Undergraduate Certificates and Diplomas Undergraduate Degrees Postgraduate below Master’s level Master’s Degree Doctoral Degrees UJ 3 358 5 033 509 2 676 11 576 3 232 5 631 2 121 514 78 UP 4 859 2 807 4 314 2 192 14 172 1 542 6 370 4 542 1 476 242 UNISA 3 022 10 471 13 561 7 880 34 934 9 488 13 846 10 600 799 201 TUT 4 266 3 749 847 2 134 10 996 7 461 3 176 130 197 32 VUT 1 874 1 896 60 368 4 198 2 801 1 268 92 33 4 WITS 3 010 1 509 756 1 899 7 173 19 3 967 1 761 1 205 221 7173 20 389 25 465 20047 17 149 83 049 24 543 34 258 19 246 4 224 778 Source: Dept of Higher Education and Training SA The South Africa I know, the home I understand

18 1.16 % of Households connected to the mains electricity supply in SA and Gauteng (2010 – 2014)
Source: Stats SA, GHS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

19 1.17 % of Households with access to piped water in their dwellings, off site or on-site in SA and Gauteng (2010 – 2014) Source: Stats SA, GHS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

20 1.18 % of Households with access to improved sanitation in SA and Gauteng (2010 – 2014)
Source: Stats SA, GHS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

21 1.19 % of Households that lived in formal, informal and traditional dwellings in SA and Gauteng (2014) Source: Stats SA, GHS The South Africa I know, the home I understand

22 1.20 Households benefitting from indigent support systems 2013 - 2014
Number of indigent households in Gauteng and SA benefiting from an indigent support system over 2013 & 2014 Indigent households identified by the municipalities Beneficiaries Water Electricity Sewerage and sanitation Solid waste management 2013* 2014 GP SA In 2013 – 10% of SA’s indigent households were in GP The share increased to 13% in 2014 Source: Stats SA, Non Financial Statistics For Municipalities 2015 The South Africa I know, the home I understand

23 Average total fertility Service delivery Economic indicators
CONCLUSION Social indicators Life expectancy Average total fertility Service delivery Economic indicators GDP – 2nd largest economy after SA Over 33% to the SA GDP 2nd largest economy in SADC 7.7% to the African economy Challenges Migration Unemployment Source: Stats SA, Non Financial Statistics For Municipalities 2015 The South Africa I know, the home I understand

24 THANK YOU The South Africa I know, the home I understand

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