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 Sam and Bill are miscreants because they broke the law by kidnapping Red Chief.  Definition: a person who behaves badly or in a way that breaks the.

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2  Sam and Bill are miscreants because they broke the law by kidnapping Red Chief.  Definition: a person who behaves badly or in a way that breaks the law.  Part of Speech: NOUN  Synonyms: criminal, culprit, offender, lawbreaker, delinquent

3  Cruella De Vil and Jafar are the malefactors or villains in the famous children’s movies 101 Dalmatians and Aladdin.  Sam and Bill are the malefactors in “The Ransom of Red Chief”; they are the criminals in the story.  Definition: a person or persons who commit(s) a crime or some other wrong  Part of Speech: NOUN  Synonyms: wrongdoer, miscreant, offender, criminal, villain

4  “Why you little reprobates! I’ll get you; I swear it!” the man called out to the little boys after they left a mess in his yard.  Definition: an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately)  Part of Speech: Noun  Synonyms: rascal, scoundrel

5  The young child shouted jubilantly after her father won the car race.  The crowd was jubilantly cheering for “One Direction” when the band came on stage to play.  Definition: happily: in a joyous manner;  Part of Speech: Adverb  Synonyms: joyously, gladly, excitedly

6  When the new comedian made a terrible joke the crowd jeered at him until he exited the stage.  Definition: make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.  Part of Speech: VERB  Synonyms: taunted, mocked, ridiculed, insulted, booed

7  Every school has a few scalawags; they are such little rascals running around the halls.  Red Chief is most definitely a scalawag if you ask Bill; the little rascal tried to scalp him.  Definition: a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way.  Part of Speech: NOUN  Synonyms: a rascal

8  I will apprehend the animal that keeps getting into my trash cans by setting up a cage to capture it.  The police apprehended Sam and Bill in the town of Summit.  Definition: arrest (someone) for a crime  Part of Speech: VERB  Synonyms: catch, capture, seize

9  The men that committed the crime of kidnapping will be castigated or scolded, and they should be imprisoned.  Definition: reprimand (someone) severely  Part of Speech: Verb  Synonyms: reprimand, admonish, chastise, scold

10  I’ll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions now that you have already committed one offense.  Definition: an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct  Part of Speech: NOUN  Synonyms:offense, crime, wrongdoing, misdemeanor, infraction, misdeed

11  The smell of the trash was extremely putrescent; it was so foul that we almost lost our lunch.  Definition: undergoing the process of decay; rotting  Part of Speech: ADJECTIVE  Synonyms: foul, putrid, rotten

12  The teachers all congregated around the student that was hit in the head with the basket ball.  Definition: gather into a crowd or mass  Part of Speech: VERB  Synonyms: assemble, gather, collect, come together

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