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GRAETERS Dr. Steven Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "GRAETERS Dr. Steven Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRAETERS Dr. Steven Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014

2 GRAE GRA duat E Education TERS Opportuni T i ERS and the Application Process Dr. Steve Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014

3 GRA duat E Education Opportuni T i ERS and the Application Process Dr. Steve Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014

4 GRA duat E Education Opportuni T i ERS and the Application Process Dr. Steve Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014

5 Graduate Education Opportunities and the Application Process Dr. Steve Buchberger Civil & Environmental Engineering July 7, 2014

6 Questionnaire On the blank piece of paper you just received, write down one (anonymous) question you have about graduate school. If you have no questions about graduate school, write one about ice cream.

7 Which path will you choose? Are you here? (again?)

8 Which path will you choose? Which career path will you choose? Job Mart Grad School

9 Why Graduate School? Additional formal education Entry point for your career path Career in research Career in academia More marketable in job search Greater earning potential

10 Which path will you choose? Still more options!

11 Which graduate track will you choose? Thesis Non-Thesis

12 Two Main Options  Non-Thesis Track (Masters of Engineering (Masters of Engineering Degree “MEng”) Degree “MEng”)  Thesis Track (Masters of Science (Masters of Science Degree “MS”) Degree “MS”)

13 Non-Thesis Option  Master of Engineering - Course work only - 30 semester hours - 12 months (full-time) - Part-time options - You pay most of the bill

14 Thesis Option  Master of Science - Classes (20 hours) - Research (10 hours) - 18 to 24 months - Full time only - We pay (most of) the bill

15 Our Focus Today [1] Non-Thesis (MEng) [2] Thesis (MS)… “right path” Thesis Non-Thesis

16 Undergraduate Days: focus on HOW.

17 Undergraduate Days: focus on HOW. Graduate Experience: focus on WHY. focus on WHY.

18 The Nature of Graduate Work  Research focus  Learning at frontiers of field  Creativity is important  Team work is encouraged  Close interactions with faculty  Exciting, fun, hard work!  Innovation emphasis

19 Engineering Graduate Programs are a research enterprise. What’s an Enterprise?

20 Engineering Graduate Programs are a research enterprise. What’s an Enterprise? Enterprise – a project that is difficult, complicated or risky.

21 What’s the Final Product? (from this research Enterprise)

22 What’s the Final Product? New Knowledge archived as: MS Thesis or PhD Dissertation Journal Publications Conference Proceedings Seminar Presentations

23 During your graduate experience, the most important person in your life is: (a) Yourself (b) Your Spouse (c) Your Parent(s) (d) Your Advisor

24 During your graduate experience, the most important person in your life is: (a) Yourself (b) Your Spouse (c) Your Parent(s) (d) Your Advisor

25 12 things you should know before applying : [1] Program Emphasis [2] Program Philosophy [3] Curriculum & Courses

26 12 things you should know before applying: [4] Capstone Requirement [5] Accreditation [6] Ranking

27 12 things you should know before applying : [7] Cost [8] Financial Aid [9] Faculty

28 12 things you should know before applying : [10] Facilities [11] Selectivity [12] Location

29 Fellowships for Graduate Students NSF Fellows EPA Star (Science to Achieve Results)

30 What’s Needed to Apply to Graduate School?  On-Line Application  Test – GRE ( )  Resume (2 page max)  Official Transcripts  2 Letters of Recommendation  Personal Statement

31 Interested in Applying to UC? Visit our Graduate Studies Office in 665 Baldwin Hall Go to studies GRE Testing Center at UC: 556-7173

32 CEAS Deptartments & Degrees Offered DEPT OF CIVIL AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGR AND CONSTRUCTON MNGT Civil Engineering – MS, MEng & PhD DEPT OF AEROSPACE ENGR AND ENGR MECHANICS Aerospace Engineering – MS, MEng & PhD Engineering Mechanics – MS & PhD DEPT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING SYSTEMS Computer Science – MS, MEng Computer Science Engineering – PhD Electrical Engineering – MS, MEng & PhD Computer Engineering – MS, MEng Computer Science Engineering – PhD DEPT OF MECHANICAL AND MATERIALS ENGR Mechanical Engineering – MS, MEng & PhD Materials Engineering – MS, MEng & PhD DEPT OF BIOMEDICAL, CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGR. BioMedical Engineering– MS. MEng & PhD Chemical Engineering – MS, MEng & PhD Environmental Engineering & Science – MS, MEng & PhD

33 CEAS by the Numbers CEAS by the Numbers …. Funded, relevant research in all programs 2500 undergraduate students 900 graduate students 125 full-time faculty MS and PhD programs in 12 fields & MEng Degree We generate “world-class” engineers Enormous resource of information and expertise.

34 Discovery is to see what everybody else sees

35 Discovery is to see what everybody else sees and to think what nobody else has thought. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893 – 1986)

36 Stay inquisitive, Stay energized Stay hungry, and Enjoy your voyage of discovery!

37 Questions?



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