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Published byPearl Allen Modified over 9 years ago
Group Key Distribution Scheme in Digital Pay-TV Systems Adviser: Min-Shiang Hwang Reporter: Chun-Ta Li ( 李俊達 ) Date: 2006/06/13
2 Outline Introduction Requirements Huang et al. ’ s scheme[1] Sun et al. ’ s scheme[2] Comparisons Comments References
3 Introduction Pay-TV system Conditional Access System (CAS) Two classes of pay-TV system The subscription (pay-per-channel, PPC) channels Pay for a period of time, e.g. weekly or monthly Disadvantage: not allowed to unsubscribe the channels The pay-per-view (PPV) channels Pay for each single program Disadvantage: can only be applied on small scale
4 Introduction (cont.) Group key distribution Four-level key hierarchy [3] Control Word: CW scrambling of video programs Authorization Key: AK encrypt the CW Distribution Key: DK consists of a Private Key (PK) and a Group Key (GK) Master Private Key: MPK encrypt the entitlement management message and DK and is stored in a smart card-based device uniquely for each subscriber used as a group key for each group of channels C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 C1C1 C2C2 C1C1 C3C3 C2C2 C3C3 C1C1 C2C2 C3C3 m=3 # of groups = 2 m -1
5 Requirements Functionality Subscribers can freely choose the channels and Pay-TV modes Suitable for large scale environment with lots of subscribers and channels (scalability) Group key distribution: groups of subscribed channels and groups of subscribed channels of subscribers (subscriber leaves) Computation load and transmission cost (efficiency) Storage requirement
6 Requirements (cont.) Security Only the authorized subscribers can receive the program (unsubscribed users can ’ t watch the Pay-TV programs) The conspiracy of subscribers should not compromise the system
7 Huang et al. ’ s scheme Notations in group-oriented scheme Four-level key hierarchy CW : scramble/descramble programs on channels (updated frequently, e.g., 5-20 s) AK : encrypt/decrypt CW (updated periodically, e.g., daily) DK : used to derive AK (updated monthly) SK : secret key held by the subscriber, is used to encrypt and decrypt the DK (stored in smart card)
8 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Group-Oriented Key Distribution Scheme [Initial Phase] For service provider (SP): 1) SP randomly generate, where = [dk 1,dk 2,…,dk m ] 2) SP derive new by the following procedures: ak 1 = D ⊕ dk 1, where D is a random number. (A.1) ak j = ak j-1 ⊕ dk j, 2 < j < m. (A.2) [Initial Phase] For each subscriber (S i ): 1) SP generate the vector, for each subscriber S i, dk i j is randomly generated, for G j SG i. dk i j = (dk 1 ⊕ … ⊕ dk j ) ⊕ (dk i j ⊕ … ⊕ dk i j-1 ), for G j SG i (A.3) 2) SP encrypts using the secret key Sk i of S i. 3) SP transmits {, D} sk i to S i 4) Si derives new by following procedures: ak i j = D ⊕ dk i j (A.4) ak i j = ak i j-1 ⊕ dk i j, 2 < j < m. (A.5)
9 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Group-Oriented Key Distribution Scheme Example of the initial phase of group-oriented key distribution scheme: Four groups: G 1, G 2, G 3, and G 4 Subscriber S 1 subscribes subscription channel groups, G 1, G 3, and G 4 //
10 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Group-Oriented Key Distribution Scheme [Update Phase] For service provider (SP): 1) SP generates a random number R 2) SP derives new by the following procedures: ak 1 = R ⊕ dk 1, where D is a random number. (A.6) ak j = ak j-1 ⊕ dk j, 2 < j < m. (A.7) SP broadcasts (R, h(R)) to all subscribers. [Update Phase] For each subscriber (S i ): 1) After receiving (R, h(R)), S i checks h(R) 2) S i derives new by following procedures: ak i 1 = R ⊕ dk i 1. (A.8) ak i j = ak i j-1 ⊕ dk i j, 2 < j < m. (A.9)
11 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Rating-Oriented Key Distribution Scheme interdiction permission
12 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Rating-Oriented Key Distribution Scheme [Initial Phase] For service provider (SP): 1) SP generate = [dk 1,dk 2,…,dk m ], where dk 1 is randomly generated. (B.1) dk j = f(dk j-1 ), where 2 < j < m and m is the lowest rating (B.2) SP then derives the authorization keys by performing the formula (A.1) and (A.2) [Initial Phase] For subscriber (S i ): 1) SP transmits { } Sk i to subscriber S i, where = [dk k ], for SR i = R K (B.3) 2) S i derives [dk k+1,…,dk m ], where dk j = f(dk j-1 ), k+1 < j < m (B.4) AK ?
13 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Rating-Oriented Key Distribution Scheme [Update Phase] For service provider (SP): 1) ak 1 is randomly generated. (B.5) 2) ak j = {dk j-1 } dk j-1, 2 < j < m. (B.6) 3) SP broadcasts the only one message which is the encrypted AK of the lower rating channel, is broadcast to all subscriber S i SP broadcasts (M, h(M)) to all subscribers [Update Phase] For subscriber (S i ): 1) After receiving message, S i uses his vector to derive the new vector 2) S i derives new = [ak k,ak k+1,…,ak m ], where ak m = {M} -1 dk m. (B.7) ak j = {ak j+1 } -1 dk j+1, k < j < m. (B.8)
14 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Example of rating-oriented key distribution scheme: Four ratings: R 1, R 2, R 3, and R 4 Subscriber S 1 subscribes channel rating, R 2 [Initial Phase][Update Phase]
15 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Key distribution scheme for PPV channel protection Three-level key hierarchy: CW, AK and SK [Join][Leave] protect channel
16 Huang et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Example of key distribution scheme for PPV channel protection 1. S 1 join 2. S 2,S 3 join 3. S 4 join SP (GP 1 ) SP (GP 1 ) SP (GP 1, GP 2 ) S1S1 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 UG 1 UG 2 {ak current }sk1{ak current }sk2{ak current }sk3 {GP 2 } ak current {GP 1,ak current }sk3 4. S 5,S 6,S 7 join SP (GP 1, GP 2,GP 3 ) S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 UG 1 UG 2 {GP 3 } ak current {GP 3,ak current }sk5 S5S5 S6S6 {GP 3,ak current }sk6 UG 3 S7S7 5. S 4 leave SP (GP 1, GP 2,GP 3 ) S1S1 S2S2 S3S3 S4S4 UG 1 UG 2 {S i in UG 2 leaves} {ak new }sk5 S5S5 S6S6 {ak new }sk6 UG 3 S7S7 {GP 1,GP 2,ak current }sk7 {S i in UG 2 leaves} GP 2 GP 1 GP 2,GP 3 GP 1,GP 3 GP 1,GP 2 GP 2,GP 3 GP 1,GP 3 GP 1,GP 2 //{ak new }=H(ak current,GP 2 ) 1.Max # subscribers in a UG: 3 2.GP i : group secret of UG i GP 1
17 Sun et al. ’ s scheme Key management scheme for user revocation [3][4] Notations . Member m 3 (R m i is utilize to update the group key K) . Member m 3 leave the group: Server broadcasts a message {LEAVE, m 3 } then the server and all members but m 3 calculate the new group key K ’ Group key K K I m6 ({R v1, R v3, R v4, R v6, R m1, R m2, R m3, R m4, R m5, R m7, R m8 }) K’K’
18 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Key management scheme for user revocation[3][4] Storage problem The required storage for I mi is |I mi | = 2M – logM – 2, where M is members in the system Solution: HL(R v i ) and HR(R v i ) m3:m3: Rv0Rv0 Rv4Rv4 Rv5Rv5 R v 6 = HR(R v 2 ) R v 1 = HL(R v 0 ) m3:m3:
19 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Key management scheme for user revocation [3][4] Extension process (n-level tree) If M is less than 2 n assign the new member to a vacant leave directly If M is equals to 2 n the server should perform an extension process n=2
20 Sun et al. ’ s scheme System overview (PPC) Roles: One service provider and many subscribers Four-level hierarchy: CW, AK, RGK and MPK Notations every channel every group secret key of subscriber
21 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Motivation To distribute AK securely and updated AK when any subscriber leaves Initial phase: Server AK i T ch i (generate a tree T ch i ) Server RGK j G j (generate a key tree T G j ) User registration phase: Service provider assign u k a unique MPK k (secure channel) stored in u k ’ s register card
22 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) Subscribing phase: when u k subscribes some channels Service provider transmits four secret information: RGK j All AKs of CH G j All I ch i,G j for each ch i CH G j I G j,u k to u k RGK updating phase: when u k leave G j Service provider broadcasts the message {LEAVE, u k } All subscribers but u k in G j can obtain the new receiving group key RGK j ’ = RGK j ⊕ R G j,u k E(MPK k ) E(RGK j )
23 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) AK updating phase: u k is suspended from the system (Step1) Service provider broadcasts the {LEAVE, G j, u k } (Step2) Subscribers who subscribe ch i and are not classified into G j calculate the new AK i ’ =AK i ⊕ R ch i,G j (Step3) Subscribers classified into G j first perform RGK updating phase to obtain new RGK j ’. Since they don’t know R ch i,G j, the service provider broadcasts the AK i ’ encrypted by RGK j ’ to obtain new AK i ’
24 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) AK updating phase: u k changes subscribed channels and it must be re-classified into an appropriate G l from original G j The RGK j of G j sould be updated through RGK updating phase All the channels in CH G j ∪ CH G l can be categorized into following cases: Case1: CH G j – CH G l : The channels in this case are un-subscribed by u k. The AK i of these channels must be updated through AK updating phase Case2: CH G l – CH G j : The channels in this case are impending subscribed by u k. System will perform the subscribing phase to assign u k all the necessary information of each channel Case3: CH G j ∩CH G l : The channels chi in this case are both belong to G j and G l, so G j and G l are two leaves in T ch i
25 Sun et al. ’ s scheme (cont.) The problem of the update of one single secret number causes the update of whole T ch i For every node v n in T ch i public counter C ch i,n v0v0 T ch i R ch i,v 0 v1v1 v2v2 G5G5 G2G2 G6G6 G4G4 R ch i,v 1 = HL(R ch i,v parent_n,C ch i,n ) R ch i,v 2 = HR(R ch i,v parent_n,C ch i,n ) R ch i,G 5 = HL(R ch i,v 1,C ch i,G 5 ) R ch i,G 4 = HR(R ch i,v 2,C ch i,G 4 ) // If a node v n is on the path from G l to the root and already known by u k C ch i,n becomes C ch i,n +1 and R ch i,v n is re-calculated with the same method
Example of changing subscribed channels RGK 2 update: all users in G 2 but u 3 know R G 2,u 3 ch 3 : SP transmits four kinds of messages to u 3 ch 2 : AK 2 must be updated through the AK updating phase ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙
Example of changing subscribed channels ch 5 : ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ (counter +1)
28 Comparisons The number of transmitted messagesExtra storage SubscriptionUn-subscription Sun2+log(s j )+log(n i )2log(n i ) Huang m (n i )k (s j ) n i -1 SThe number of subscribers sjsj The number of subscribers in group j nini The number of groups which contain ch i sn i The number of subscribers subscribing ch i
29 Comments Huang et al. ’ s scheme collusion problem update phase in group-oriented key distribution scheme encrypted (R, h(R)) How to compute AK for subscriber in initial phase of rating- oriented key distribution scheme leak of DK update phase in both two proposed schemes Sun et al. ’ s scheme collusion problem barter time for space omit the two hashing functions in space requirement leak of reduction process in the tree
30 References [1] Yu-Lun Huang, Shiuhpying Shieh, Fu-Shen Ho, and Jian-Chyuan Wang, “ Efficient Key Distribution Schemes for Secure Media Delivery in Pay-TV Systems ” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 6(5), pp. 760-769, 2004. [2] Hung-Min Sun, Cheng-Zong Shieh, and Chien-Ming Chen, “ An Efficient and Flexible Key Distribution Scheme for Conditional Access System in Pay-TV Systems ” in 16th Information Security Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, June 2006. [3] A. Fiat and M. Naor, “ Broadcast Encryption, ” Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO ’ 93, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 733, Springer, pp. 480- 491, 1994. [4] D. Naor, M. Naor and J. Lotspiech, “ Revocation and Tracing Schemes for Stateless Receivers, ” In Proc. Crypto 2001, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 41-62, 2001.
31 References (cont.) Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) 普遍級 (G ; GENERAL AUDIENCES) : 任何年齡階段的觀眾皆可觀賞。 該電影片不含過份的色情、犯罪、殘暴、恐怖、血腥、暴力與打鬥等鏡頭,列為「普」級電影片。 保護級 (PG ; PARENTAL GUIDANCE SUGGESTED) : 未滿六歲之兒童不得觀賞,六歲以上十二歲未滿之兒童須父母、師長或成年親友陪伴輔導觀賞。 電影片涉及性問題、恐怖情節或混淆道德秩序觀,須父母、師長或成年親友陪同予以輔導,以免對兒童 心理產生不良影響者,列為「護」級。 輔導級 (PG-13 ; PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTONED) : 未滿十三歲之兒童不得觀賞,十三歲以上十八歲未滿之少年需父母或師長注意輔導觀賞。 「輔」級電影片不含有性之問題,犯罪、暴力、打鬥事件,離奇怪異或反映社會。也不涉及畸型現象、 不涉及褻瀆字眼或對白有不良引喻者對於兒童心理有不良影響之虞者。 約束級 (R ; RESTRICTED) : 未滿十七歲之少年需父母或師長約束和陪伴輔導觀賞。 該電影片含有不良成份的意識,如色情、犯罪、暴力、打鬥,涉及褻瀆字眼或對白有不良引喻者對於少 年心理有不良影響,未滿十七歲之少年需要父母、師長或成年親友約束或陪伴輔導觀賞。 限制級 (NC-17 ; NO ONE 17 AND UNDER ADMITTED) : 未滿十八歲之人不得觀賞。 「限」級電影片描述賭技、吸毒、過份的色情、狎妓、搶劫、綁架、竊盜、走私、幫派或其他犯罪行為 情節細密,有誘發擬作用者。 「限」級電影片也包含了恐怖、血腥、殘暴、變態,淫穢等鏡頭。 參考資料
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