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Nichole Edmonds’ Techno-Autobiography SED 420H-01 Fall 2005.

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1 Nichole Edmonds’ Techno-Autobiography SED 420H-01 Fall 2005

2 Taking it Back  The oldest piece of technology I can remember possessing is the telephone.

3 We’ve Got it Easy  Generations before when there was no mass transportation, the majority had to walk miles to get from point A to point B.

4 Subtle Luxury  One gadget I could appreciate when I was younger was the ice cream maker.

5 A Wealth of Knowledge  The most “technologically literate” person is my daddy.  He is “Mr. Fix It”  From fixing cars and different types of machinery to normal installations, he gets the job done!

6 Social Consequences  In the career world, the more technology one knows, the farther he can go.  How one functions in day to day life (stressful or not) depends on how at ease he/she is with technology.

7 Literate?  The above word is ever-evolving when it comes to technology.  Since newer, better things are being created everyday, one must learn daily in order to maintain his/her status.

8 Experience  The only way to become comfortable with technology is to do it daily.  Familiarize yourself with new accomplishments so it does not become overwhelming.

9 In the Midst  I am definitely in the middle between being an early adopter or a late one.  I like to look at things as they are. If it can assist me, I will not hesitate to try it.

10 Technological “Wish List”  CD Burner  Subwoofer  Video Cell Phone  Flat Screen Television

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