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Evaluation Concepts. Evaluation Concepts Evaluation Concepts Evaluation Evaluation Reporting Reporting Overview.

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1 Evaluation Concepts

2 Evaluation Concepts Evaluation Concepts Evaluation Evaluation Reporting Reporting Overview

3 Working Definition: “ EFFECTIVE EVALUATION” is the accurate assessment of individual performance. assessment of individual performance. EVALUATION Evaluation Concepts

4 REPORTING Working Definition: Action(s) taken to report on a subordinate’s performance (or behavior) either in writing (formal) or verbally (informal).


6 PRINCIPLES OF EVALUATION Establish Effective Standards Observation Measurement

7 EXAMPLE OR NOT? “Become a quality typist” “Within 4 months, be able to type 35 words per minute with three or less mistakes.” Evaluation

8 “Successfully complete all volumes of CDC’s” “Attain at least a 70% on all volume review exercises of CDC’s in six months” EXAMPLE OR NOT? Evaluation

9 USES FOR EVALUATION Worker Meeting Standards Worker Not Meeting Standards Track Typical Performance Deciding Work Assignments

10 PITFALLS OF EVALUATION Ratability Relevancy Variability Personal Bias/General impressions Currentness Logic


12 TYPES OF REPORTING Informal Formal

13 EXAMPLE OR NOT? “ I watched you help that customer and you did a great job.” and you did a great job.” “I noticed the compressor you changed last night was done in record time. The maintenance was flawless, but there was a problem with the paperwork. Please be sure to sign the card before you send it in.” Reporting

14 USES FOR REPORTING Let workers know where they stand Provides a record of performance

15 PITFALLS OF REPORTING Positive or negative anticipation One-way communication Abstract reports Reports without data

16 Evaluation Concepts Summary  Evaluation Concepts  Evaluation  Reporting

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