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Sport and Physical Activity Project Briefing 28 th January 2016 Soft Market Testing Launch Event Sport and Physical Activity Project (SPA) Leisure Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport and Physical Activity Project Briefing 28 th January 2016 Soft Market Testing Launch Event Sport and Physical Activity Project (SPA) Leisure Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport and Physical Activity Project Briefing 28 th January 2016 Soft Market Testing Launch Event Sport and Physical Activity Project (SPA) Leisure Management Contract Procurement

2 What will Happen Today? 1Introduction to Leisure Management Project Team 2Opening and Introduction to London Borough of Barnet Dawn Wakeling – Commissioning Director Adults and Health 3Leisure Management Procurement Lesley Kippax – Procurement Lead 4Market Consultation Cassie Bridger - Strategic Lead – Sport & Physical Activity 5The Market Consultation Process Lesley Kippax – Procurement Lead 6Q&A Panel and Close

3 Sport and Physical Activity Project Briefing London Borough of Barnet Dawn Wakeling - Commissioning Director, Adults and Health

4 London Borough of Barnet - Overview Demand on local services will continue to rise, driven by a growing population, particularly young and older residents. This is a particular issue for Barnet, which in 2015 will become London’s most populous borough, with an estimated 393,000 residents. The highest rates of population growth are forecast to occur around the planned development works in the west of the Borough, with over 113% growth in Golders Green and 56% in Colindale by 2030. Circa 367,000 residents The Borough will become increasingly diverse, driven predominantly by growth within the existing population. One of the key challenges will be meeting the diverse needs of these different and growing communities Conservative Controlled (1 Seat Majority)

5 Council Existing Leisure Centre Estate

6 Council New Leisure Centres

7 Barnet Sporting Successes Hendon Gymnastics Club – popular, comprehensive programme that nurtures athletes and provides a pathway to elite competition Barnet Copthall Swimming Club – comprehensive competitive swimming club. Since 1980 the Club have achieved representation at every Olympic and Paralympic Games. Past champions include Mark Foster and Mike Fibbens

8 London Borough of Barnet Corporate Plan: Strategic Objectives The council, working with local, regional and national partners, will strive to ensure that Barnet is the place: of opportunity, where people can further their quality of life where people are helped to help themselves where responsibility is shared, fairly where services are delivered efficiently to get value for money for the taxpayer

9 Sport and Physical Activity Project Outcomes A new leisure management contract and the redevelopment of facilities is a critical supporting element in the achievement of our vision to ensure Barnet is an active and healthy Borough. Project Outcomes To deliver a leisure management contract that provides a robust financial position to the local authority, crucially aligned to increasing engagement and levels of physical activity. Public health outcomes are reflected within a new leisure management contract, a holistic approach that is not specific to interventions. Refurbishment and redevelopment of the leisure asset portfolio that continues to engage with residents, whilst innovating within the marketplace. Facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships that connect and align services to deliver a more cost effective and sustained physical activity pathway.

10 Sport and Physical Activity Project – Leisure Management Contract Leisure facilities should be regarded as a central supporting component to the creation of a model for Barnet which supports residents in becoming more active. Consideration should also be given to how parks, open spaces and other council assets can be used to achieve this aim. In line with councils across the country, this must all be achieved within the context of continued significant financial pressures. The new Leisure Management contract needs to deliver; 1.A net surplus of £1.5m for the council. This target income will fund the prudential borrowing needed to fund the construction costs. 2.The successful management of the five facilities that make up the councils leisure estate. 3.A service that aims to increase the health and well being of the residents of Barnet.

11 Sport and Physical Activity Project Briefing Leisure Management Procurement Lesley Kippax – Procurement Lead

12 Moving the Project Forward LBB wish to appoint a “Strategic Partner to support in delivering key public health outcomes for Barnet, sustained by a robust financial position”. The procurement process will look for...... community engagement, innovation, integration, collaboration, flexible environments, performance and improvement of Leisure Services. A two stage procurement (incl PQQ) with negotiation is the preferred option at present, this will be informed during this Market Consultation Phase. Key to the project is an outcome / output contract that delivers measurable health improvements A chance for bidders to truly realise, deliver and innovate a new model of leisure provision.

13 Social Value Local Employment Agreements In order to manage development related job opportunities the Council will use a Local Employment Agreement (LEA). A LEA sets out the skills, employment and training opportunities to be delivered from development. Evaluation & KPIs Delivery of wider social and economic benefits will form part of the quality evaluation. Subsequently, it is intended to include Public Health KPIs and KPI’s relating to social and economic benefits within the contract to the community

14 Key Stages and Timetable

15 Leisure Management Procurement Timetable

16 Sport and Physical Activity Project Briefing What We Want From You Cassie Bridger – Strategic Lead for Sport and Physical Activity

17 What Are We Looking For? To appoint a strategic partner who is aligned to support our ambitions, which are underpinned by a commitment to; Improve and enhance Barnet leisure facilities, ensuring that opportunities are accessible for all residents. Advocate investment to support the delivery of high quality, accessible facilities and delivery of services. Facilitate partnerships and develop opportunities that demonstrate a commitment to embed an ‘active habit’. Target those who do not traditionally engage. A fundamental element of our process is to identify an operator that has the ability and ongoing commitment to contribute effectively to supporting our health outcomes through innovation and experience. Insight & Intelligence Commercial & Partnerships Performance & Improvement Strategic Alignment

18 What we want from you? Are you interested in bidding? Can the objectives be delivered by the supplier market? Is the process right? Do you have any ideas to incorporate? What would make you more interested in bidding? Are the designs for Victoria Recreation Ground and the New Barnet Copthall appropriate to maximise their income generating potential.

19 Soft Market Testing Process Following the launch event all further sessions will explore three key aspects of the Procurement. 1. Delivery of a guaranteed income stream, based on the 3 existing leisure centres and the 2 new facilities. End of March 2. Ability to contribute to the achievement of council targets for public health outcomes. End of February 3. Designing an evaluation process to differentiate between suppliers. End of April

20 Prospectus The prospectus handout you have received gives further details and information for the market consultation phase. At the back are the links to documents for further reading. You will receive an e-version of this tomorrow.

21 Soft Market Testing Booklet LBB will be issuing a Market Consultation Booklet to each supplier by the 19 th February. The booklet has the market consultation questions for each of the sessions. The Prospectus explains this phase and the process further.

22 Thank you for your attendance today. Q&A Session

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