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ReformCompass – NGOs.  The ReformCompass: The ReformCompass takes structures and processes into account, systematizes central goals and tasks thus delivering.

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Presentation on theme: "ReformCompass – NGOs.  The ReformCompass: The ReformCompass takes structures and processes into account, systematizes central goals and tasks thus delivering."— Presentation transcript:

1 ReformCompass – NGOs

2  The ReformCompass: The ReformCompass takes structures and processes into account, systematizes central goals and tasks thus delivering an orientation framework for strategic action.  The dimensions: Three strategic dimensions in particular decide on the success or failure of a reform: competence for appropriate solutions, credible communication (internal and external) as well as the capability to implement solutions.  The phases: The challenge lies in working out these three "C's" equally over the entire process, i.e. from the creation of a strategic group, through to agenda setting, policy formulation and decision-making as well as implementation to (ongoing) impact evaluation. Page 2 Key factors


4 Page 4 Fostering a culture of innovation COMPETENCE Strengthening communication abilities COMMUNICATION Guaranteeing implementation CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT STRATEGY GROUP PHASE 1

5 Page 5 What must the composition of the core group be so that technical competence and across-the-board competence are represented? What knowledge is required so that different perspectives are included? Knowledge of the subject matter, administrative knowledge, knowledge of processes? How can know-how internal to the system be included? What access to external expertise is available? How can this be used and expanded? How can an open culture of learning that allows new ideas come into being? Fostering a culture of innovation COMPETENCE Strengthening communication abilities COMMUNICATION Guaranteeing implementation CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Exploit available competencies _Include external know-how _Develop management competencies STRATEGY GROUP PHASE 1

6 Page 6 Does the strategic core group have sufficient resources for communication? Have stable communication channels been set up that ensure the flow of information? Have the strategic core group and its alliance partners agreed on uniform core messages? Are the content, configuration of actors and communication instruments plausible? Are the instruments of communication in line with each other in terms of content and scheduling? Fostering a culture of innovation COMPETENCE Strengthening communication abilities COMMUNICATION Guaranteeing implementation CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Adjust communication resources and competencies _Coordinate communication STRATEGY GROUP PHASE 1

7 Page 7 Which actors strengthen the implementation of the change process and enhance cooperation in the core group? Which cooperations and networks with other influential actors and committees are helpful? How can a permanent sounding out of the sentiment be ensured? How can it be ensured that the sentiments of the different relevant actors are perceived early on? Fostering a culture of innovation COMPETENCE Strengthening communication abilities COMMUNICATION Guaranteeing implementation CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Network actors across the board _Develop a conflict early warning system STRATEGY GROUP PHASE 1

8 Page 8 Picking up on future-related issues COMPETENCE Fostering a desire for reform COMMUNICATION Calculating the chances of success CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM AND ANALYSIS PHASE 2

9 Page 9 What is the status quo with respect to the organization and its strategic direction? What internal and expert knowledge is already available on the theme/problem? What trends are forecast by academia? How are the environment, the needs and interests of affected persons and the market changing in the working environment? (»Competitors«, financiers) What potential conflicting interests and competing objectives are there? What are the opportunities and risks and how much time does the strategic realignment require? Can the problems be clearly defined and can the goals be broadly formulated for strategic realignment? Picking up on future-related issues COMPETENCE Fostering a desire for reform COMMUNICATION Calculating the chances of success CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Identify the need for reform early on _Analyze the specific problem _Clarify the direction of the strategic realignment DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM AND ANALYSIS PHASE 2

10 Page 10 How is the work evaluated by the (technical) public? How is it evaluated by the employees? Is there already an awareness of the problem? How are management and employees kept informed and included in the strategic realignment? How are affected parties, beneficiaries, media and multipliers, where applicable, included? Is the benefit evident or must core arguments be scientifically supported? What happens if the realignment is not carried out? Does the realignment refer to social discussions and overarching values? Is the realignment discussed internally and externally using positive language? Is a communication plan available? Picking up on future-related issues COMPETENCE Fostering a desire for reform COMMUNICATION Calculating the chances of success CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Create awareness of the problem _Establish interpretive paradigms _Communicate the central ideas DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM AND ANALYSIS PHASE 2

11 Page 11 At the current time, is there are window of opportunity for a strategic realignment? Does the realignment have enough profiling potential for decision-makers from one's own organization? Which relevant actors from the environment are potential proponents? Which actors are potential opponents and can negatively influence the realignment? Which interests and positions represent the relevant actors with respect to the realignment? How can proponents be motivated and alliance partners be gained? Can "veto players" be "neutralized"? How broad are the negotiation corridors and which potentials for compromise are there between the individual actors? Picking up on future-related issues COMPETENCE Fostering a desire for reform COMMUNICATION Calculating the chances of success CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Identify windows of opportunity _Determine profiling opportunities _Define negotiation corridors DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM AND ANALYSIS PHASE 2

12 Page 12 Formulating reform plans COMPETENCE Building trust COMMUNICATION Obtaining majority support CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT FORMULATING AND DECISION-MAKING PHASE 3

13 Page 13 What are the options for action and alternative solutions, for example in other regions and other organizations? Can the most favored solution be underpinned by expert knowledge and reliable data? Can effectiveness tests be carried out in the form of pilot projects? What is the advantage of "grand scale" and what is the advantage of undertaking a realignment in small steps? How could the strategic realignment be divided into individual steps and phases? How could implementation actors be included in the concrete implementation and timeframe planning? Formulating reform plans COMPETENCE Building trust COMMUNICATION Obtaining majority support CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Sound out options for action _Evaluate alternative solutions _Draft a reform plan FORMULATING AND DECISION-MAKING PHASE 3

14 Page 14 What are suitable times for communicating internally and externally? How can dialog be realized within one's own organization? How can dialog be developed and established with the beneficiaries or target groups? Are the winners and gains emphasized, overall goals and milestones communicated and is a positive language used? Are the strategic plans presented and justified as the most viable solution? Is it made clear what changes, what stays the same and what is possible and what not? Formulating reform plans COMPETENCE Building trust COMMUNICATION Obtaining majority support CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Communicate credibility _Use clear and positive reform language _Generate realistic expectations _Establish dialog FORMULATING AND DECISION-MAKING PHASE 3

15 Page 15 Formulating reform plans COMPETENCE Building trust COMMUNICATION Obtaining majority support CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Choose negotiation strategies _Win alliance partners _Ensure the best possible support Are the proposals of participants and affected parties taken into account? Can relevant actors be brought on board? Have the key decision-makers been made offers for profiling? Is the involvement of responsible parties ensured for the implementation of the change process? Has it been decided whether negotiations will be carried out conflict– or consensus–orientated? Can relevant opponents be removed and brought around by compromises and incentives from the group of opponents? Can quick successes be realized from the realignment and can the public be mobilized? FORMULATING AND DECISION-MAKING PHASE 3

16 Page 16 Ensuring quality results COMPETENCE Connecting with citizens COMMUNICATION Mobilizing implementation actors CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 4

17 Page 17 Has the key goal of the change process been concretely determined? What concrete effects are intended, and how can these be achieved? How can the measures and performances be aligned to the needs of the beneficiaries and the effect multiplied? Have financial and personnel resources been made available for the strategic process? Have schedules and decision-making criteria for the implementation been prepared? How is the realignment process supported and managed? Ensuring quality results COMPETENCE Establishing openness COMMUNICATION Mobilizing implementation actors CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Ensure effectiveness _Determine implementation steps _Choose suitable management instruments IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 4

18 Page 18 How appropriate are the people who implement the change processes in terms of technical expertise and communication? Are the participants and affected parties communicated with in simple and easy to understand language early on? Are problems in implementation, suggestions and criticism openly discussed with those responsible for implementation? Are suggestions for improvement actively collected and implemented at an early stage? Are changes and successes communicated to the (technical) public? Ensuring quality results COMPETENCE Establishing openness COMMUNICATION Mobilizing implementation actors CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Ensure communication between all participants and affected parties _Ensure that processes are transparent IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 4

19 Page 19 Is there a regular exchange of information and experiences between the relevant actors? Are the expertise and needs of relevant actors (internal and external) taken into account? Are all the relevant decision-makers in one's own organization included in the realignment process? Have implementation actors or partners being gained from outside? Have responsible officers been nominated, implementation actors included and responsibilities been clearly regulated? Have schedules, budgets and content been determined with binding effect? Ensuring quality results COMPETENCE Establishing openness COMMUNICATION Mobilizing implementation actors CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Clarify interactions with relevant actors _Include implementation actors _Create clear responsibilities IMPLEMENTATION PHASE 4

20 Page 20 Improving monitoring tools COMPETENCE Guaranteeing responsiveness COMMUNICATION Keeping options open CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT ONGOING IMPACT EVALUATION PHASE 5

21 Page 21 Are the goals so clearly formulated that they can be reviewed and results and effects be measured? How is the change process evaluated? Are good instruments already available or must new ones be developed? Has a systematic exchange between the implementation actors been established? Are simple processes used to evaluate the degree of goal achievement, results, cost and efficiency? Are the effects continuously reviewed and adjustments made if needed? Do the evaluation methods serve their purpose and are they accepted? Improving monitoring tools COMPETENCE Guaranteeing responsiveness COMMUNICATION Keeping options open CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Choose suitable evaluation methods _Evaluate these methods as part of the process _Evaluate the cost and benefit ONGOING IMPACT EVALUATION PHASE 5

22 Page 22 Are the opinions of participants and affected parties actively obtained and analyzed? Are public opinion and the media monitored and are the reports actively collected and analyzed? Are assessments based on one's own organization obtained? Are regular discussions held with implementation actors? Are successes disseminated specific to the target group? Are negative results communicated together with suggestions for improvement? Improving monitoring tools COMPETENCE Guaranteeing responsiveness COMMUNICATION Keeping options open CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Analyze feedback _Maintain dialog with affected parties and participants _Disseminate evaluation results according to the target group ONGOING IMPACT EVALUATION PHASE 5

23 Page 23 Improving monitoring tools COMPETENCE Guaranteeing responsiveness COMMUNICATION Keeping options open CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT GOALSTASKS _Make adjustments flexibly _Take into account changed configurations of actors Has care been taken to ensure that relevant actors are continuously informed of results and effects? Are milestones and review deadlines determined in advance? According to which criteria should changes be made? Are potential conflicts between the relevant actors continuously sounded out Does the composition of the strategic core group need to be adjusted? Must new actors be integrated in the proponents coalition? Is it necessary to adjust the implementation strategy? ONGOING IMPACT EVALUATION PHASE 5

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