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White Tiger By: Paytin & Janelle By: Paytin & Janelle.

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Presentation on theme: "White Tiger By: Paytin & Janelle By: Paytin & Janelle."— Presentation transcript:

1 White Tiger By: Paytin & Janelle By: Paytin & Janelle

2 White tigers usually have two or three cubs at a time. One cub usually dies when the female tiger is having the cubs. The male tigers don’t stick around when the female is raising the cubs. After a female has cubs it takes 1 ½ to 3 years for the female tiger to have more cubs.

3 The nucleus of the animal cells directs all activities. The cell membrane lets things go in and out. All living things have the ribosome in their cells. The ribosome is smaller than membranes.

4 White tigers get the gene of being born bigger than orange tigers. The white should always be bigger than the orange tiger for their life. If a white tiger has dark stripes and the rest is white, then it should be a Royal Bengal or an Indian tiger. All of these things the cub inherits from its mother. White tigers inherit other things from its mother, too.

5 White tigers take three to four years to fully become a adult. White tigers in the wild usually live to be ten years old, but if they are in the zoo they live twice as long. The White tiger mother takes care of it’s offspring. The male White tiger leaves when offspring are born.

6 When white tigers say hello to other white tigers, it sounds like a “chuff”. When they make this noise, they nod their head and the noise comes through their noses. They do this to let others know they’re ok. They will growl when they are angry. When they are excited, they will swish their tail back and forth. They will lower their tail and twitch it if they are angry.

7 White tigers if in the wild eat, wild pigs, wild cattle, and many species of deer. White tigers can eat 50 pounds of food a day. White tigers hunt during the night and sleep during the day. White tigers sleep by grass and under tress on the ground.

8 White tigers are warm blooded. White tigers fur keeps them warm. White tigers keep cool by going into lakes and ponds.

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