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Stakeholders Identification and Strategies for Engagement By Anthony Akpan President Pan African Vision for the Environment (PAVE) 08033510419.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholders Identification and Strategies for Engagement By Anthony Akpan President Pan African Vision for the Environment (PAVE) 08033510419."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholders Identification and Strategies for Engagement By Anthony Akpan President Pan African Vision for the Environment (PAVE) 08033510419

2 “If you miss the first buttonhole, you will not succeed in buttoning up your coat.” -Johann von Goethe

3 Highlights Stakeholder Identification/Relationship Management Stakeholder Engagement-Overview Stakeholder Engagement-Process

4 Stakeholder Identification/Relationship Management



7 Stakeholder Engagement-Overview

8 Understanding Stakeholders What motivates them? Are they positive/negative? Financial or emotional interest? How do they want to receive information? How do you manage the negative impacts? What information do they have and do you have? What are their current opinions, how are they influenced? Is it based on good information?


10 Steps in Engaging Stakeholders Identify important stakeholders and their interests Assess the power and influence of stakeholders in relation to the project Determine appropriate project response to each stakeholder/group Plan which stakeholders will participate in the project cycle, when and how Identify stakeholder risks Develop strategies for building participation and stakeholder commitment

11 Why Engage? Transparency Better Targeting Better Information Improves risks management Increases efficiencies and accountabilities

12 Stakeholder Engagement-Process


14 Engagement-Principles/Objectives Timely Feedback Resourcing Independence Clear objectives Capacity to influence



17 Engagement-Planning to Implementation Identify the purpose Ensure organisational buy-in Resourcing-money and staff Communication strategy Check leading practice principles Plan-implement-feedback Understand the capacity of stakeholders to influence outcomes Develop engagement strategies

18 Engagement Results Artifacts collected Minutes from stakeholder agreement meetings Review comments and approvals Formal/informal review Presentation/minutes/attendees Training presentations/attendees Monitoring artifacts(attendance notes, email to stakeholders who missed meetings, etc) Status reports where critical issues exist

19 Measure & Report Progress Cost effectiveness Level of participation Commitment to process Efficiency of delivery plan Usefulness of the information Changes in stakeholders”view /perceptions Extend to which they are being heard and being an influence


21 Take Away… Know who, your stakeholders are Plan for their engagement and participation Define and document stakeholder engagement process Plan for artifact collection and analysis and use artifacts to help tract stakeholder engagement Periodically assess the effectiveness of the stakeholder engagement plan

22 “Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something.” -Indira Gandhi


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