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Atlin/Taku Land Use Planning Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop November 21, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Atlin/Taku Land Use Planning Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop November 21, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlin/Taku Land Use Planning Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop November 21, 2008

2 2 Overview Technical Working Group’s “To Do List” from Workshop #1  Summarize Vision  Update Resource Atlas  Establish a Viewing Centre  Add to Community Values Map Developing New Planning Products Where are we in the Planning Process Ongoing Community and Stakeholder Engagement

3 3 Visioning Describe your measure of a successful plan, or planning process

4 4 Visioning

5 5 Vision Responses compiled by the TWG and drafted into a concise statement. Two Components  Vision  Documentation (as an appendix ) TWG and JLF support the vision as drafted

6 6 Vision Current draft provided as part of your participants package JLF is interested to hear peoples thoughts on this draft.

7 7 Resource Atlas

8 8 Key Improvements include  increased clarify for a number of themes by removing duplication (e.g. tenures)  Areas shown adjacent to plan area where appropriate  Increased clarity in legends and titles

9 9 Resource Atlas Significant improvement in the following information  Wildlife Habitat Maps Moose, Goat, Caribou, Sheep  Mineral Potential  Community Values  Rare Ecological Communities

10 10 Viewing Centre Planning maps and material available for review and sign-out at the government agent

11 11 Community Values Map Additional input received at the workshop and again in July. Map has been compiled and is a key input into the planning process.

12 12 Planning Products Planning Framework (CESMF )

13 13 Where are we in the “Process” Pre-planning phase: Clarify roles and responsibilities (JLF, TWG) Develop and approve stakeholder engagement strategy Develop and approve work plan and timeline  Compile base Resource Atlas iterative review

14 14 Orientation and visioning: Sharing information about the planning process and the plan area  Scope value, interests and issues to be addressed Workshop #2 Confirm planning sequence and timeframe Conduct initial stakeholder engagement and workshop

15 15 Information collection: Address gaps in the information base Undertake additional studies/research to address gaps Clarify policy and planning context  Show values and interests on maps

16 16 Resource analyses and draft planning products (developed by TWG under JLF direction)  Confirm scope of interests and issues to be addressed (underway)  Develop draft framework of vision, principles, goals and objectives by resource value with SDM implementation Vision completed and available for review Work on principles initiated  Identify areas of high value (cultural, ecological, socio- economic)  Develop land use zoning options  Draft initial management direction

17 17 Stages Not yet initiated Compilation of plan and public review Revisions to plan and public review Joint approvals Joint implementation

18 18 Community and Stakeholder Engagement Workshops #3 (March 09)  Spatial interests, goals, objectives Workshop #4 (June 09)  Draft Planning Products Workshop #5 (Nov 09)  Draft Plan Ongoing Direct Engagement

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