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WELCOME 6 TH GRADE ENGLISH AGENDA Classroom Rules Classroom Protocol Champs Ipad Expectations/ Consequences.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME 6 TH GRADE ENGLISH AGENDA Classroom Rules Classroom Protocol Champs Ipad Expectations/ Consequences."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME 6 TH GRADE ENGLISH AGENDA Classroom Rules Classroom Protocol Champs Ipad Expectations/ Consequences

2 ROOM 223 PROTOCOL  No need to raise your hand for a drink of water. No lining up at the water fountain or sink.  No need to raise your hand for tissue use.  Please raise your hand to leave the classroom. Your safety is key.

3 ROOM 223 PROTOCOL  During classmate presentations eyes on presenter and no side conversations. Let’s be respectful.  Agenda books must be present each day. We are building responsibility with using the Agenda each day.  No food or sugary drinks into the classroom. No need to have bugs and insects feasting on our crumbs.

4 C.H.A.M.P.S  C = Conversation | Scale 0-5  H = Help | Raise Hand  A = Activity | Is it Individual, Group or Pairs  M = Movement | Seated or up and walking around  P = Participation | Exit Ticket\Graded Assignment  S = Success | Follow C-P you will be successful

5 HOMEWORK POLICY  One day grace period. You will receive full credit for an assignment that is turned in the next day.  Late Homework will be knocked down one point.  Missing work can be made up by the end of the quarter. You must communicate with me to if you need another worksheet or if you need a print out of the assignment.  End of quarter missing work can only be turned in for a 3 or lower.  All incomplete work turned in will only be eligible for a 3 or lower.

6 GRADING SYSTEM  5 = Above Proficient  4 = Proficient  3 = Basic  2 = Below Basic

7 OVJH IPAD USE  Expectations: Bring it charged and read to go each day.  School searches and educational applications.

8 IPAD CONSEQUENCES  1 st Offense: Conference in office and lunch detention  2 nd Offense: Conference in office, after school detention and phone call home.  3 rd Offense: Conference in office, Friday school, Parent conference  4 th Offense: Parent and student conference in office, day use contract with Mr. Ramirez.

9 LATE/TARDY  Students are expected to be in class in their seats and ready to work when the bell rings.  Consequences for tardiness can include: lunch detention, after school detention, Friday school, parent contact, Referral, and or police citation.

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