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 Prokaryotes  Pro=before-Karyotes= nut (nucleus)  These cells have no nucleus Examples: bacteria  Eukaryotes  Eu=good-Karyote= nut (nucleus)  These.

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Presentation on theme: " Prokaryotes  Pro=before-Karyotes= nut (nucleus)  These cells have no nucleus Examples: bacteria  Eukaryotes  Eu=good-Karyote= nut (nucleus)  These."— Presentation transcript:

1  Prokaryotes  Pro=before-Karyotes= nut (nucleus)  These cells have no nucleus Examples: bacteria  Eukaryotes  Eu=good-Karyote= nut (nucleus)  These cells have membrane bound organelles and a nucleus Examples: protists, animal cells, plant cells, fungi Cells that all multicellular structures evolved from

2 Endosymbiotic model of Eukaryotic cell evolution  3.8 billion years ago archaebacteria and eukaryotic cells diverged from the lineage that led to modern eubacteria  Oxygen-releasing photosynthetic bacteria evolved  Later, oxygenized atmosphere ended further spontaneous chemical evolution of life  This atmosphere was a key selection pressure in the evolution of eukaryotic cells


4  Protista= the very first Characteristics of Protists -Mostly unicellular, some multicellular (algae) -Heterotrophic or autotrophic -Most live in water or moist soil -Eukaryotic -any organism that is not a plant, animal or fungus

5  How they obtain nutrition  Now they move

6  Protozoa= first animal  Nutrition: heterotrophs  How they move:  Flagella  Pseudopod (false foot)  Cilia (hairs)  Parasitic (need host)

7  Zooflagellates Movement: flagella absorb food through membrane heterotrophs or parasites Single celled Asexual reproduction Live in fresh water or salt water  Ciliates Movement: cilia Food: has mouth pore heterotrophs or parasitic Reproduce: asexual or sexual Lakes, ponds and oceans Single celled

8  Spore-forming  Movement: cannot move on their own (parasitic)  Food: heterotrophic and parasitic (hurt their host)  Reproduction: sexual and asexual reproduction with host  Single celled  Carried through water to humans and animals  Amoebas  Movement: pseudopod (false foot)  Food: engulfs food through endocytosis  heterotrophs  Reproduce: binary fission (asexual)  Live on rocks and algae  Single celled

9  Movement:  none  Nutrition:  Decomposers or parasites

10  Slime molds  Food: decomposers  Live in moist soils  Colonies of single cells that form one multi-celled organism  Reproduce: asexually  Movement: none  Water molds  Food: parasites or decomposers  Reproduce: sexually and asexually  Movement: flagella  Live in water or moist soil and in hosts  Single celled

11  Nutrition: mainly autotrophs  Movement: Do not move

12  Red algae  Movement: None  Multicellular  Live in oceans tropic waters  Autotrophs (photosynthesis)  Reproduce: asexual  Green algae  Movement: none rely on water  Unicellular and multicellular  Live in oceans  Autotrophs (photosynthesis)  Reproduce asexually

13  Brown algae  Movement: none  Autotrophs (photosynthesis)  Reproduction: asexual  Attached to rocks in water  Live in cooler waters  multicellular

14  Diatoms  Unicellular  Single celled  Reproduce: asexually  Food: autotrophs  Live in salt and fresh water  Movement: most don’t move

15  Dinoflagellates  Food: autotrophs (photosynthesis) few parasites  Movement: flagella  Marine and fresh water  Unicellular  Reproduce asexually  Euglenoids  Single celled  Movement: flagella  Reproduce asexually  Food: Heterotrophs, autotrophs, and predators  Fresh or marine water

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