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Monday. Warm-Up Matching: Number your paper 1-7. Then write the letter of the term that best matches the definition 1.The condition of person’s relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday. Warm-Up Matching: Number your paper 1-7. Then write the letter of the term that best matches the definition 1.The condition of person’s relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 Warm-Up Matching: Number your paper 1-7. Then write the letter of the term that best matches the definition 1.The condition of person’s relationships with family members and others 2.The arts, beliefs, and customs that make up a way of life for a group of people 3.An incident over which a person has little or no control 4.A place where people receive health care 5.A serious situation that occurs without warning and calls for quick action 6.A group that educates the public about a specific health condition 7.A chart used to track genetic diseases or conditions through families A. Health Care Facility B. Random Event C. Family-Social Health D. Culture E. Emergency F. Pedigree G. Health Advocate Group

3 Today’s Agenda: 1.Complete a Health Behavior Inventory Mon July 27, 2015 Assignments Due: 1.CHANGE: Due BLOCK DAY – Health binder check 2.Unit 1 Test - Friday How can I analyze my own health status? Objective: I will complete a health behavior inventory. Essential Question:


5 Health Behavior Inventory Have one person from your group get textbooks for your group Turn to page 27 Get out your Unit 1 notes packet

6 Tuesday

7 Warm-Up: Answer the following questions on your warm-up paper: 1.What category(s) from the Health Behavior Inventory did you have the MOST yes answers? 2.Why do you think that is? 3.What category(s) did you have the LEAST amount of yes answers? 4.Write ONE behavior you could add or change that might help you improve that area of your health?

8 Todays Agenda: Tues. July 29, 2014 Assignments Due: 1.Lesson 3&4 Vocab DUE BLOCK DAY 2.BLOCK DAY – Health binder check 3.Unit 1 Test - Friday How can I analyze my own health status and be aware of the factors that influence my health? Objective: Essential Question: 1.Complete a Health Behavior Contract 2.Review vocabulary from Lessons 3&4 I will write a plan to develop or maintain a healthy behavior


10 Tuesday – Student Handbook 4 th – pages 20-25 5 th and 6 th – review pages 1-25

11 Health Behavior Contract A written plan that a person makes in which he or she agrees to develop the habit of practicing a specific healthful behavior

12 Part 1: The health goal Should come from one of the areas of the inventory where you had the LEAST amount of yes answers. Your goal must be SMART

13 Smart specific

14 sMart measurable

15 smArt action oriented

16 smaRt realistic

17 smarT timely

18 Part 2: effects to health status Answer WHY you are working on this goal How will achieving this goal help or improve your health?

19 Part 3: My Action Plan What specific steps are you going to take to make sure you accomplish your goal?

20 Part 4: Progress Decide what you should measure Log information to measure your progress

21 Part 5: Evaluation of goal It is NOT a pass/fail Answer: –what did you do well? –What was easy? –What was difficult? –What do you need to continue to work on?

22 Lesson 3/4 Vocab review Have someone in your group get textbooks Turn to page 27 Complete both sides of the vocabulary worksheet and turn it in to the class basket before you go OR it is homework The following terms are used TWICE: –Advertising –Culture –Media

23 Wednesday/ Thursday

24 Warm-Up: Parts of the Contract 1.It was very hard to pack my lunch when all my friends were eating Elmer’s everyday. It was hard to not eat fast food on Sunday since my whole family went together. I liked eating cereal and fruit as a healthier option for breakfast, but I slipped up on Tuesday. 2.I will eat cereal and fruit for breakfast. I will pack and bring my lunch each day. I will cook dinner for my family on the weekends. 3.Limiting the amount of fast food eaten each week will reduce the amount of fat, specifically saturated fat, sodium, and empty calories I consume. That will, in turn, have a positive effect on my body mass index and my odds of preventing high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. 4.I will eat at a fast food restaurant no more than two times a week 5.Number of times meals are eaten at a fast food restaurant: Monday – no fast food, Tuesday – had McDonald’s for breakfast, Wednesday – no fast food, Thursday – had Elmer’s for lunch, Friday – had Taco Bell for dinner, Saturday – no fast food, Sunday – ate with family at Burger King A.Progress B.Effects of Health Status C.Health Goal D.Evaluation E.Plan of Action

25 Todays Agenda: Wed./Thur. July 29/30 2015 Assignments Due: 1.Lesson 3&4 Vocab DUE NOW to the basket 2.Health binder check - TODAY 3.Unit 1 Test – Friday How media influence my health? Objective: Essential Question: 1.Complete the advertising appeals handout in groups 2.Binder Check 3.Unit 1 Crossword I will identify and define the common appeals used in advertising


27 Wednesday – Student Handbook 5 th – pages 25-34 review

28 Thursday – Student Handbook 4 th – pages 39-44 6 th – review 35-44

29 Pass back graded papers Fill in the Health Notebook Table of Contents Update Unit 1 Tracking Sheet

30 Learning Activity B: Lesson 1&2 Vocab 4 = 21-19 3 = 17-18 2 = 15-16 1 = 13-14 0 = 12 or less

31 Binder Checks While you are working on your next assignment I will be coming around to check your health binder Please make you’re the Table of Contents form is in the front followed by the listed handouts

32 What should be in your binder… 1 Class Syllabus 2 Unit 1 Tracking Sheet/Pre-test 3 Unit 1 Notes 4 Lesson 1/2 Vocab sheet

33 Change groups Number in your group from 1-4 Listen for directions on where to switch In your new groups –Introduce yourself –Share your favorite place to go out to eat and what you usually order there

34 Brand Loyalty Appeal

35 False Image Appeal

36 Band- wagon Appeal

37 Humor Appeal

38 Glittering Generality Appeal

39 Scientific Evidence Appeal

40 Progress Appeal

41 Reward Appeal

42 Sex Appeal

43 Testimonial Appeal

44 Group Activity As a group, you are going to look through magazines to find examples of each of the types of ad appeals You must each complete your own worksheet, but your group can all use the same examples Do NOT cut or tear out the ads or magazines

45 Unit 1 Review Crossword I will collect the advertising appeals worksheet AND the crossword puzzles on Friday You can work with a group or partner to complete the puzzle using vocabulary terms from lessons 1-4 I will collect the crossword puzzles on Friday Study for the Unit 1 TEST: –Unit 1 Notes –Lesson 1/2 Vocab –Lesson 3/4 Vocab –Ad appeals –Crossword puzzle

46 Friday

47 Warm-Up: Advertising Appeals Brand LoyaltyFalse Image Bandwagon Humor Glittering Generality Scientific EvidenceProgress Reward Sex Appeal Testimonial 1.Last year’s phone is looking older by the minute. To keep up with the latest technology, the latest look, and the latest people, you’ll need the Gizmo cellular phone. 2.“Antoine the Animated Anteater here. You know, I’ve given up those nasty six-legged bugs for Sodium Pride salted snacks. They are yum, yum, yum” 3.Recent studies show that there is only a 10% chance of side-effects for this medication, a few of them not serious or long-term. 4.Your parents bought our insurance; maybe your grandparents, too. We’re Ancient Life Insurance Company, serving you with century-old traditions. 5.It’s true that a great smile can make you happy, so get EnamelScrape, the toothpaste with three abrasives to rip the unhappiness from your teeth. 6.Men envy it; women want it; the smell of a real man – and it comes only from Machosmell, a cologne only for those strong enough to face it. 7.You could win! If you’ve used our credit card in the last thirty days, you’re already entered to win our sweepstakes. Use it more! 8.A person’s car says a lot. What’s your image? The new DMB sport utility vehicle says you’re a person of power, of prestige, of importance. 9.“Hi, I’m Shaquile O’Neal. As a professional basketball player, I sometimes don’t smell so great after a game. That’s why I use Coverup, the deodorant that is a slam dunk.” 10.You’d better hurry! Our supply of these Wrackit personal stereo systems is limited and everyone wants one. Join your friends and get this new hot system now while you still can!

48 Todays Agenda: Friday August 1, 2014 Assignments Due: 1.Advertising appeals worksheet DUE 2.Unit 1 Crossword DUE 3.Unit 1 Test - Today How can I analyze my own health status and be aware of the factors that influence my health? Objective: Essential Question: 1.Take Unit 1 Test 2.Take Unit 2 Pre-test 3.End of the week Review I will assess my knowledge of health skills

49 5 minute study session Study for the Unit 1 TEST: –Unit 1 Notes –Lesson 1/2 Vocab –Lesson 3/4 Vocab –Ad appeals –Crossword puzzle

50 Unit 1 test Fill in the heading of your answer sheet : NameDate 7/31/15 Class4 th hourQuizUnit 1 Test

51 After the test… Return your test and your bubble sheet to the front table Grab a Unit 2 Tracking Sheet and complete the Pre-test on the back

52 Turn into the basket on your way out!

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