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1517-1650.   Protestant Reformation - a religious movement in the 1500s that split the Christian church (in western Europe) and led to the establishment.

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Presentation on theme: "1517-1650.   Protestant Reformation - a religious movement in the 1500s that split the Christian church (in western Europe) and led to the establishment."— Presentation transcript:

1 1517-1650

2   Protestant Reformation - a religious movement in the 1500s that split the Christian church (in western Europe) and led to the establishment of a number of new churches  People grew displeased with the churches…  Financial Corruption  Abuse of Power  Immorality What is the Protestant Reformation?

3  Breakdown of Denominations

4   The Western Schism (1378-1418)  Two Catholic popes  questioning the Papal Authority  Renaissance scholar Erasmus  The Praise of Folly  Criticism of the Catholic Church Factors Before the Reformation

5  The Printing Press!!!!  Books are now available to the masses not just the rich! (Faster production=cheaper books)  People have access to books whenever they want them  How does this relate to the Reformation? Explain your answer? Printing Press = 3,600 pages per workday Hand Printing = 40 pages per workday

6 Factors Before the Reformation  Church is selling indulgences!  Indulgences - pardons issued by the pope that people could buy to reduce a soul ’ s time in purgatory = (People could buy forgiveness)

7 Fun Fact The last words of John Hus (early reformer) were: “ In 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed ” Almost exactly 100 years later, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed up his famous 95 Theses

8 Martin Luther  Luther was a German monk and professor of theology (religion) at the University of Wittenberg  One of the many leaders of the Protestant Reformation

9   In 1517, the 95 Theses were nailed to a church door - they were written in Latin  Luther ’ s intention: NOT TO BREAK WITH CHURCH, BUT REFORM IT!  Criticized: 1.Indulgences 2.Power of Pope 3.Wealth of Church  God ’ s Grace won by FAITH ALONE!  Catholic View: Good Works Luther ’ s 95 Theses

10   In 1520 Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther  Excommunication- expelled him from the church  Luther went on to form the Lutheran Church (branch of Protestant Church) Excommunication

11   Do belief systems divide or unite people?  How did religious reform lead to conflict? To what extent were these conflicts resolved?  How were reformers a reflection of Renaissance ideals? Today’s Focus: Why did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? Reformation Inquiry Questions



14   Historians often find two opposing accounts of the same event and sometimes, they are even written by the same person.  To figure out what happened, they use the skill of SOURCING to determine when, where, and why a document was written.  They also use CORROBORATION to compare accounts and look for similarities and differences Why did Luther challenge the Catholic Church?

15   Through reading the two documents, you will try to explain the differences between the documents and decide which one is a more reliable answer to our question: Why did Martin Luther challenge the Catholic Church? Your Task

16   John Calvin in Switzerland  Believed in Predestination  God knows who will be saved, even before people are born, and therefore guides the lives of those destined for salvation  Purified approach to life:  No drinking, swearing, gambling etc..  Wanted a simpler church Other Reformers: Calvinism

17   King Henry VIII of England  Originally supported the Pope (Fidei Defensor) and criticized Luther  Later, Henry VIII wanted a divorce and split from the Catholic Church when the Pope refused  Declared himself the head of the Church of England (Anglican Church) English Reformation


19  Breakdown of Denominations

20   A Historical Debate: An internal Catholic reform or a result of Protestant criticism?  Catholic Church met many times from 1545-1648  Discussed the abuses of the Catholic Church  Other debates:  Structure  Religious Orders  Spiritual Movements  Politics Counter-Reformation


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