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Chapter 6. Effects of Alcohol  Effects Overall Driving ability  Makes motorist feel overconfident and unable to think clearly  More likely to make.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6. Effects of Alcohol  Effects Overall Driving ability  Makes motorist feel overconfident and unable to think clearly  More likely to make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6

2 Effects of Alcohol  Effects Overall Driving ability  Makes motorist feel overconfident and unable to think clearly  More likely to make mistakes  Drinking a small amount of alcohol increases motorist chances of having an accident  NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!

3 Effects of Alcohol  Driving under the influence of intoxicating beverages means that driver’s senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol  After two, three, or four drinks, alcohol begins to impair reaction time, coordination, and balance.  The ONLY thing that can make a person sober is TIME!

4 How much is too much?  BAC – Simple breath test will show a motorist BAC. BAC is determined by four factors:  Quantity of alcohol consumed  Body Weight  How quickly drinks were consumed  Food eaten

5 Legal/Illegal  In NJ, it is illegal for an individual who is 21 years of age or older to drive with a BAC of.08% or higher.  For individuals younger than 21, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of.01% or higher.  Violators face severe penalties in addition to other penalties assessed for DUI/DWI

6 DATA  If a motorist has reached a BAC of slightly above.05% after drinking, the risk for causing a motor vehicle accident doubles.  The risk is 6 times as great when driving with a BAC of.10%.  The risk is 25 times as great when driving with a BAC of.15%.

7 Laws  Under state law, refusal to take a breath test is equal to driving with a BAC of.10% for a first offense.  Motorist who refuse to take a breath test in NJ are also subject to a violation surcharge of $1,000 per year for 3 years.

8 Good Hosts & Drinking Driver  Hosts may become involved in a lawsuit if a guest is involved in a drinking & driving collision after leaving the party.

9 Scenario Activity

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