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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME ELEMENTARY EL DESIGNEES Wed., December 2, 2015."— Presentation transcript:


2 Today’s Objectives Today we will… O 1. PACE O Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) O 2. COMPLIANCE O December 2015 & January 2016 Accountabilities O Master Plan Survey Clean Up O 3. INSTRUCTION O SBAC Data O DOK Part 1

3 Pace Update

4 EL Programs December 2, 2015

5 OLAS Update

6 Moved to January January Accountabilities (Revised): Monitor LTEL Student Progress-Parent Meeting #1 Master Plan Instructional Program Options Informational Meeting #2 Reclassification of Eligible Students (both Elementary and Secondary) Monitoring ELD/LTEL Course Placement (Secondary) ELAC-Single Plan for Student Achievement (Recommendation to SSC) Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs)

7 Forms


9 LTEL Goal Sheet  The LTEL Goal Sheet will be available in MiSiS by January 11, 2016  OLAS Accountability has been moved to January 31, 2016

10 Forms can be found in the MMED website!



13 Professional Development

14 Think, Ink, Pair, Share V-EL 16: Professional Development Specific to English Learners

15 There are many pieces to this puzzle…

16 16 School data needs to be analyzed regularly to determine Professional Development needs. Student data Classroom Observations Surveys School Data

17 LAUSD Policy District Priorities and the School Professional Development Plan O In accordance with Article IX-B, Section 2.0 of the LAUSD/UTLA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Principals are to work with their Leadership Councils and instructional teams to develop a year-long professional development plan that focuses on the District instructional priorities and teacher effectiveness as determined by the TGDC/TLF and student achievement data. O The District instructional priorities listed above should drive school-based planning and implementation of professional development. 17 Applicable Policies: Elementary: MEM-6015.2 Secondary: MEM-5788.4

18 Professional Development Plan An effective plan includes a calendar schedule of professional development days and times, planned content and expected outcomes for each professional development opportunity, a timeline for practices acquired in professional development to be implemented and a strategy for monitoring implementation of the professional development outcomes. 18 This form can be downloaded from the OLAS website under letter K, Professional Development.

19 EL Program-Related Professional Development ELD Standards (layout, vertical and horizontal progression, essence of each ELD standard) Comprehensive ELD Program: Designated and Integrated ELD ELD and Language Objectives High Impact Practices Constructive Conversation Skills Start Smart ELD Lessons Using Complex Text ELD Grading EL Progress Monitoring (CELDT, SRI, Grades & SBAC) LAT Roles, Responsibilities & Referral Process Reclassification Addressing Foundational Literacy for LTELs

20 Reclassification Update

21 Reclassification O The Reclassification Bulletin was recently updated. Major changes include SRI for grades 10-12. HS Credit Recovery can be used to meet the criteria. LAT team forms are to be sent to the LD EL Programs Coordinator, not directly to MMED.

22 Reclassification Criteria

23 EL Reclassification Profiles ProfileCELDTBASIC READING SKILL TESTGRADES A4 or 5Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades B4 or 5Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades C4 or 5Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades D4 or 5Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades E1 - 3Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades F1 - 3Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades G1 - 3Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades H1 - 3Basic Reading Skills TestELA Grades *In LAUSD, the Basic Reading Skills Tests are DIBELS for K-5 and SRI for 6-12)

24 5 th Grade

25 Timing: Challenges and Opportunities

26 Critical Reclassification Timeline  MOY DIBELS may be administered to potential reclass students (students who have met the CELDT and Teacher Grades of the reclassification criteria).  SRI scores “should” be available in MiSiS beginning on December 2 nd.

27 Running a Potential Reclassification Roster

28 Potential Reclassification Roster O Wonderful Overall score of 4 or 5 Using the filters, under CELDT Overall Level, select 4 and 5 scores and deselect any scores of 1 and 2 for each domain. Then, manually look for students who have met the grades reclassification criterion. These are the students you could consider for early administration of MOY. Scores of 3 or higher for each domain

29 With an elbow partner, discuss: 1. How will I ensure that all compliance items will be taken care of within the timelines? 2. What changes need to be made for our professional development plan? 3. How will the classroom observations be made and who will do the observing? What about actionable feedback? 4. Who will be able to fulfill all of the EL Designee responsibilities and how will it be funded?

30 Master Plan Survey “Data Clean Up” CALPADS Data Submission

31 Students Missing ILC and/or Master Plan Instructional Program Monitoring:  Run Master Plan Roster  Analyze report - Every English Learner student MUST have:  An Initial Language Classification (ILC)  A Master Plan Instructional Program  Elementary – Based on Overall CELDT score

32 Questions? Concerns? Rosalia McKay, Elementary Instructional Coordinator Marcos Navas, EL Programs Coordinator

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