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An Active Lifestyle and You: Overcoming the Obstacles.

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1 An Active Lifestyle and You: Overcoming the Obstacles

2 Students will be expected to: – Identify challenges in leading an active lifestyle. – Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions concerning fitness issues pertaining to self, others, and the environment. – Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize, and implement cooperatively developed physical activities. – Develop and implement a personal plan of action for an active lifestyle.

3 In a previous lesson we focused upon 'excuses' that people make as to why they are not active. In reality, there are many obstacles which are legitimate and can reduce our ability to be active. Some of these obstacles can be ever-present while others may be overcome with supports and time. Let us begin by first looking at some of these obstacles and then identifying ways in which they may be overcome or at least lessened.

4 1. Health Our personal health may impact upon the level of activity in which we participate. If you have had an injury then you may be limited in the types of activities which you may be able to do. Example - a broken leg can certainly affect your hockey game. But does it mean that you cannot participate in any physical activity? There are also situations where a persons health may impede their ability to function at high levels of fitness. For example, someone with severe asthma problems may need to consider the intensity of their participation.

5 2. Weight For some it may be that their overall weight that is preventing their participation in certain types of activities. A person may not be able to perform gymnastic feats but there are alternatives. In each case there are always ways to improve upon physical fitness rather than giving up. Remember, being physically active can improve other aspects of our well-being and we need to ensure our overall health is the focus

6 In society today sporting equipment, membership dues, registration fees, and other financial expectations may inhibit our ability to become physically active. This does not mean that we cannot be physically active. Many groups are now turning their attention to low cost alternatives to 'organized sport’. There are also ways to reduce your cost if you still want to pursue a specific activity. How about checking out a local flea market or garage sale? There are also outlets which sell second hand equipment. It is not only the individual which may find it difficult to come up with the finances, but organizations are also feeling the pinch.

7 3. Lack of facilities This can impact the type of activities that you participate in  For example - It is hard to take up the activity of swimming when there is no pool in your community. Likewise for soccer if there is no field to play on. But but people usually always find alternatives or creative ways to participate in a sport which they love. One of Newfoundland and Labradors own athletes trained on railway beds for cross-country skiing. He went on to excel in the Canada Winter Games. There are many other examples which demonstrate the determined spirit of those that wish to be active.

8 How do we make time? This is the key. Too often we justify our lack of activity with, 'I don't have time'. There is no doubt that in society today we are constantly bombarded with tasks to do. That is why many people are beginning to include activity within their daily routines. Instead of getting a ride to work, people are walking, running or biking. Others use activity as a means of socializing, such as golf. To be active means that we 'make' the time for our health and well-being. This may be difficult with a full- schedule but it is imperative that we all take time to be active in some manner.

9 Reading: LifeChoices: Healthy and Well, pages 26-30. 1. summarize each sport – who is best for, benefits, what do you need, dangers 2. identify any obstacles which may prevent you from participating in each of these activities. 3. Are there alternatives to these activities for you? 4. Can you think of creative ways to overcome these obstacles or even reduce their effect? Activity

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