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Cancer – a substance that causes cancer – a substance that causes cancer –Examples include tobacco smoke, ultraviolet rays, and asbestos Carcinogen.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer – a substance that causes cancer – a substance that causes cancer –Examples include tobacco smoke, ultraviolet rays, and asbestos Carcinogen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer – a substance that causes cancer – a substance that causes cancer –Examples include tobacco smoke, ultraviolet rays, and asbestos Carcinogen

2 Cancer Terms Tumor - Benign - Malignant -Possesses the ability to invade adjacent tissues and spread. Does not invade surrounding tissues Abnormal growth of tissue

3 Cancer Terms – Cont. Metastasis -the spread of cancer from its primary site to other places in the body

4 Cancer Categories 1. Carcinomas - 2. Sarcomas – Cancer of tissues that cover the body surfaces and linings of the body organs. e.g. – skin or lung Cancers that form in the middle or connective tissues e.g. – cartilage, fat, muscle, or bone

5 Cancer Categories – cont. 3.Lymphomas – 4. Leukemia - Develop and metastasize in the lymph system e.g. – Hodgkin's disease Cancer of the blood and blood-forming part of the body

6 Treatment for Cancer Surgery Surgery –Remove the cancerous tissue –Greatest chance for cure –Good if not metastasized

7 Treatment for Cancer Chemotherapy Chemotherapy –Treatment with anticancer drugs –Side effects – hair loss, anemia, and nausea

8 Treatment for Cancer Radiation Radiation –High energy rays to kill or damage cells –Attacks reproducing cancer cells

9 Treatment for Cancer Immunotheropy Immunotheropy –Immune system is stimulated to fight cancer cells –Good for small, early stage cancers

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