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Crystal Suggs Dr. Simpson APES 1 April 2012 Eminent Domain – Energy Subsidy.

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1 Crystal Suggs Dr. Simpson APES 1 April 2012 Eminent Domain – Energy Subsidy

2 Eminent Domain A principle that grants government the power to acquire a property at fair market value even if the owner does not wish to sell it. APPLICATION House fore-closure

3 Endangered A serious risk of extinction APPLICATION Amphibians has the highest extinction rate than any other animal group.

4 Endangered Species Act A 1973 U.S. act that implements CITES, designed to protect species from extinction APPLICATION This act protects birds, fish, reptiles, mammals, etc.

5 Energy The ability to do work or transfer heat. APPLICATION 65% of global warming pollution is estimated to come from energy generation and use

6 Energy Carrier Something that can move and deliver energy in a convenient, usable form to end users. APPLICATION Coal is the main energy carrier

7 Energy Conservation The implementation of methods to use less energy APPLICATION National Energy Conservation Act and windmills

8 Energy Efficiency The ratio of the amount of work done to the total amount of energy introduced to the system. APPLICATION Fluorescent light bulbs

9 Energy Intensity The energy use per unit of gross domestic product. APPLICATION China has the highest energy intensity

10 Energy Quality The ease with which an energy source can be used for work. APPLICATION Comparison of the energy content per unit mass and per unit volume for various sources.

11 Energy Subsidy The energy input per calorie of food produced APPLICATION Fossil fuels have the highest energy subsidy

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