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Industrial Food and Public Health. Big Food vs. Big Insurance (by M. Pollan) U.S. spends billions for disease treatment: $147 bill. on obesity; $116 bill.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Food and Public Health. Big Food vs. Big Insurance (by M. Pollan) U.S. spends billions for disease treatment: $147 bill. on obesity; $116 bill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Food and Public Health

2 Big Food vs. Big Insurance (by M. Pollan) U.S. spends billions for disease treatment: $147 bill. on obesity; $116 bill. on diabetes; 100s of bill. on cardiovascular, cancer. 30% of increase in health care spending over past 20 years  due to soaring rate of obesity.  1/10 of health care spending. Obesity = win for health care industry, BUT, obesity = loss for insurers. Big Food (corn-based, highly processed; high meat consumption) is a big culprit in soaring obesity and diabetes.

3 Big Food vs. Big Insurance (by M. Pollan) Could be sea change under Health Care Reform  preventing Type 2 diabetes = win for insurers’ profits. Health insurance industry will fight farm subsidies (Big Food)  just like they did against Big Tobacco. Insurers and MIT and Columbia Univ.  looking at designing a regional food economy (a “foodshed”)  this would improve the American diet. Health Care Reform is a first step, by promoting prevention of chronic diseases such as diabetes.

4 Against Meat (Jonathan Saffron Foer) Factory farms produce 99% of animals eaten in U.S. (Farm Forward) Factory farming has made animal agriculture the #1 contributor to global warming  much more destructive than transportation. It is one of the top 2 or 3 causes of most serious environmental problems: air water pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity. Not eating meat is the solution. It can be culturally learned.

5 Big Food vs. Public Health (Food, Inc.) Failure of Public Health to protect public vs. industrial food system. U.S. food policy (massive corn, soy, wheat subsidies)  enables shift to corn-fed industrial food system. Deregulation of food oversight (FDA, USDA) Raw power of Big Agriculture: –Control of seeds. –Control of small farmers to grow for Big Food only. –Compromised food safety: e-coli, antibiotics out of control. Environmental disaster: CAFO’s feed global warming, water pollution (antibiotics, animal waste)

6 Big Food vs. Public Health (Food, Inc.) Public health disaster: diabetes, obesity, food poisoning –Cheap corn  fuels empty calorie diets, high meat consumption. –Low-income people suffer greatly: easy availability of low-quality, cheap food. –Public at serious risk for food poisoning, infectious diseases (swine flu?) Shift to ecological farming is necessary. e.g. grass-fed animals, regional markets (Polyface Farms) Food movement is on the rise. Organic, slow food, community-sustained agriculture.

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